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Fantasy Football: I think that's why it's so popular. With only one game per week, players have plenty of time to digest information and make roster changes.

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Q: Which Fantasy Sport requires the least time?
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Which Fantasy Sport requires the most time?

Fantasy Baseball, the shear number of games can get overwhelming. Many leagues have weekly competitions to cut down on all the leg work.

What is an endurance sport?

A sport that requires the ability to perform for long periods of time at low intensities, such as marathon ,running and cross-country

What is the least time taking sport in the world?

Rock Paper Scissors

What can make time freeze?

You can't. At least, no method is currently know. If you see time freeze in stories or movies, that is fantasy.

How can reaction time affect performance in activities such as track and baseball?

Reaction time is defined as the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it. Every sport uses reaction time. Every sport requires you to do a sitmulus and respond to it.

What is the sport Bobsleigh?

It is a sport in which at least one person competes in (there can be at least 4 that I know of). It is a winter sport. There is the team and they push of their sled and slide down a track as fast as they can. Fastest time wins, ok go!

What winter sport has changed the least over time?

Cross country skiing.

What requires quicker reactions cricket or tennis?

Every sport requires skill levels and reaction times according to the level of opposition that is available in that sport at the time. In both - tennis and cricket the ball can hit something on the ground and bounce 'untrue'. Other than that, it depends on what is 'thrown' at them at the time.

When was Time for Fantasy created?

Time for Fantasy was created in 1988.

What is the point playing sport if you don't win?

You can at least experience the joy and thrill in playing the sport. You will not always win but at least you will have a good time. In sports you do not always win but when you lose you learn to get over it and be a better player so you should continue to play.

What is a sentencing alternative that requires offenders to spend at least part of their time working for a community agency?

community service

Where can you find sonic final fantasy 7?

final fantasy sonic x7 did not come out yet god !!!!!!!!!!!