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A lot of the time it is hard to tell if a cow has miscarried until you find something on the ground or she suddenly goes into heat during the time she should be pregnant. Sometimes you won't even find anything on the ground and assume that, if she's in heat, that she never took, depending on when the abortion occured.

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when a cow gets close to delivery she will start to produce milk, the calf will start to drop lower inside of her, and she will start to have a slimy discharge from the birth canal.

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Q: What to look for when cow close to having calf?
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What is the name of a cow's baby?

The name of a baby cow is a Calf

What is a baby cow and a mother cow called?

The baby is called a calf and mother is a cow. Together they are called a cow-calf pair, or "mom and baby."

How heavy is a cow when it is having a baby?

Depends on what size the cow is prior to being bred and how big the calf is when it reaches term.

What is the ability of a cow?

The mothering ability of a cow is a term that means how fast that cow (or even heifer) is able to bond with her calf and accept that calf once born. It is a term that encompasses the protective ability and maternal instincts that a cow should have upon having her calf, and is a term that is used in regards to beef breeding herds. A cow with strong mothering ability is a cow worth keeping, but a cow that is protective over her calf towards people is one to be very careful about.

How long does a cow have to wait to have another baby?

From when?? From when she was last bred, when she had her last calf, when she showed heat after having her calf, or when she was bred after having her last calf?? Please be more specific so the question can actually be answered.

What was made first on earth a calf or cow?

Cow. Calf came after.

What is child of a cow?

A "calf".

What do you call a newborn cattle?

A newborn calf, a baby calf or just a calf.

How do you get a beef cow to accept a calf that isn't hers?

The best thing you can do is to skin the dead calf of that beef cow's, and drape it over the orphan calf's body so that you trick the cow into thinking that that calf is hers. But this will only work if you have that cow's dead calf on hand and not if that cow doesn't have a calf or if you're wanting to put another calf on that cow. Other tricks include smearing cod liver oil or perfume or some other strong-smelling solution that's not poisonous to the cow nor calf over the cow's nose and all over the back and head of the calf, putting a dog in with the cow and the calf, etc.

What is the young cow?

A young cow, in the sense of it being female, is called a heifer. Heifers remain so until they have had a calf. However in the more general sense, a young "cow" is called a calf.

What if you don't wean a calf from its mother?

Often the cow will eventually kick her older calf off if she feels her calving date is near and the newborn calf is need the milk more than the older calf. However, some cows aren't so smart and will allow her older calf to nurse along with her newborn one, which could lead to her losing condition and the younger calf ending up with a lighter weaning weight, if the calf's birth weight hasn't been lighter than usual from the start. The cow's lactational needs depend on the forage quality present. If a cow is only on grass and hay, and tends to not keep her condition as well as the others, her calf will have to be weaned off her early to keep her condition up and have a good-sized calf hit the ground. There's nothing worse than having an overly thin cow having to look after a very hungry calf.

What is the offspring of a cow called?

The offspring of a cow is referred to as a calf. A heifer calf is a female calf, a bull calf is an intact male calf, and a steer calf is a castrated male calf (castrated after birth).