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Q: 1. Write a sentence explaining why the government gave railroads subsidies in the late 1800s.?
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Give you a sentence with the word railroads?

In North America, there are numerous railroads.

What is a group of words explaining the topic of the sentence?

The topic sentence is a group of words explaining the topic of a paragraph.Sentences don't have topics they have subjects verbs and objects.

Why put parenthesis in a sentence?

To explain something within the sentence without finishing the sentence before explaining.

What is a explanatory sentence?

an explanatory sentence is explaining what you said in your topic sentence

A sentence using the word subsidy?

AsubsidyA subsidy (also known as a subvention) is a form of financial assistance paid to a business or economic sector. Most subsidies are made by the government to producers or distributors in an industry to prevent the decline of that industry (e.g., as a result of continuous unprofitable operations) or an increase in the prices of its products or simply to encourage it to hire more labor (as in the case of a wage subsidy). Examples are subsidies to encourage the sale of exports; subsidies on some foodstuffs to keep down the cost of living, especially in urban areas; and subsidies to encourage the expansion of farm production and achieve self-reliance in food production A subsidy (also known as a subvention) is a form of financial assistance paid to a business or economic sector. Most subsidies are made by the government to producers or distributors in an industry to prevent the decline of that industry (e.g., as a result of continuous unprofitable operations) or an increase in the prices of its products or simply to encourage it to hire more labor (as in the case of a wage subsidy). Examples are subsidies to encourage the sale of exports; subsidies on some foodstuffs to keep down the cost of living, especially in urban areas; and subsidies to encourage the expansion of farm production and achieve self-reliance in food production's known as a subvention) is a form of financial assistance paid to a business or economic sector. Most subsidies are made by the government to producers or distributors in an industry to prevent the decline of that industry (e.g., as a result of continuous unprofitable operations) or an increase in the prices of its products or simply to encourage it to hire more labor (as in the case of a wage subsidy). Examples are subsidies to encourage the sale of exports; subsidies on some foodstuffs to keep down the cost of living, especially in urban areas; and subsidies to encourage the expansion of farm production and achieve self-reliance in food production

A sentence with the word emphatic?

The lawyer was very emphatic when explaining the law to his client.

What do commas do?

to pause something in a sentence like a list, explaining something etc.

What is a good definition explaining sentence for the word accept?

He accepted the pen as a present

What kind of sentence structure is best for explaining how a reader can complete a task?


How do you write a sentence form explaining how flowering plants reproduce?

To write a sentence explaining how flowering plants reproduce, explain the female part of the plant (carpel) and the male part (stamen). Explain how they both work together.

What would be a good topic sentence about what is new in railroads?

Railroads have been improved over the last century, and new additions have been made to make them even better.

Define dry farming, autonomy, and subsidy, and use each word in a sentence?

Dry farming is farming in which the land is left unplanted every few years so that it can store moisture instead of using irrigation. Sentence: They used dry farming because it was too expensive to irrigate the land. Autonomy is self rule. Sentence: Parts of Spain are autonomy. Subsidies are special payments a government makes to support any group or industry. Sentence: A farm subsidy was granted by the government.