

10 definitions of science

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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1) Science is a method of obtaining knowledge through experimentation and observation.

2)Science is the study of the nature and behaviour of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them.

3) science is the study of some aspect of human behaviour, for example sociology or anthropology.

4) Science is a continuous process of investigation and experimentation in order to widen people's understanding of the natural world.

5) Science is the process of obtaining knowledge and skills through gathering of information, carrying out of experiments and recording of observation made.

6)Science is a method of obtaining facts through observation, experimentation,research and reasoning.

7)Science is the process of understanding the way things behave.

8)Science is the method of offering reliable knowledge that can be used as a basis for other things.

9)Science is the process of discovering interesting and important things about ourselves and the world in which we live.

10)Science is the process of acquiring scientific knowledge to help in production.

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Science is a systematized commonsense. It tries to unfold the mysteries of Nature.

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