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Example sentences for collective nouns:

  1. An army of ants invaded our picnic.
  2. She has a bag of tricks in her make up kit.
  3. A choir of angels sang in the background.
  4. There was a bank of elevators in the lobby.
  5. They built a new block of flats with reasonable rents.
  6. I bought the bouquet of flowers for myself.
  7. We have a bunch of grapes to go with our lunch.
  8. It was a picture of a caravan of camels in the desert.
  9. You'll find tablecloths in that chest of drawers.
  10. She joined a company of actors doing summer stock.
  11. A fleet of ships was docked for the holiday celebration.
  12. A gaggle of geese gobbled up the scraps of bread.
  13. He took notes of a pad of paper.
  14. She gave me a pack of gum.
  15. A shoal of minnows glistened in the sunlight.

Note: A linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object of the verb is a form of the subject (Mary is my sister. Mary=sister); or the subject becomes the object (Mary's feet got wet. feet->wet).

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Q: 15 examples sentence of collective noun without of linking verbs?
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What is identifying linking verb?

An identifying linking verb, also known as a copular verb, connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complement that identifies or describes it. Common identifying linking verbs include "be," "appear," "seem," "become," and "feel." These verbs do not show action but rather link the subject to the complement.

Is in a linking or action verb?

In is actually a preposition. Verbs are actions or they may be linking verbs. Linking verbs link two nouns such as smart and girl. (ex. The girl is smart.) Is is the linking verb. Prepositional are things that you can remove from a sentence and it still makes sense. (ex. above, under, with, without, in, and out)

How can you recognize a predicate adjective?

A predicate adjective is a type of adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the subject of the sentence. It can often be recognized by its position after the verb and its role in describing the subject. Additionally, it may be possible to replace the adjective with another word that conveys a similar meaning without affecting the sentence's structure or meaning.

Is collective noun is part of a sentence?

A collective noun and its prepositional phrase is a noun phrase (a word or group of words based on a noun or pronoun without a verb). A noun phrase functions the same as a noun as a subject of a sentence or a clause and the object of a verb or a preposition.For example:a herd of buffaloherd is the collective nounof is a prepositionbuffalo is the object of the preposition 'of'The verb is determined by the collective noun itself; a singular collective noun (herd) takes a verb for a singular subject (a herd was), and a plural collective noun takes a verb for a plural subject (the herds were).EXAMPLES of use in sentencesSubject of the sentence: A herd of buffaloslowly moved across the plain.Subject of the clause: The amazing sight, a herd of buffalo grazing, compelled us to stop and watch.Object of the verb: We watched the herd of buffalo from the safety of our car.Object of the preposition: We took photos of the herd of buffalo.

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messages can't be sent without iterrupting the receipent

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Fragments, which do not express a complete thought, are examples of 'not a sentence.' For instance, "walking to the store" is a fragment because it lacks a subject and a verb. Another example is "because I can," which is a dependent clause and does not form a complete sentence on its own.

Is science a collective noun?

No, the word scienceis not a collective noun. However, any noun can function is as a collective noun in a suitable context without being a designated collective noun.

Is legislature a collective noun?

No, the word legislatureis not a collective noun. However, any noun can function is as a collective noun in a suitable context without being a designated collective noun.

Is LAND a collective noun?

No, the noun land is not a collective noun. However, any noun can function is as a collective noun in a suitable context without being a designated collective noun.

Examples of subject-linking verb-predicate noun?

Without a subject or a verb, it isn't a sentence. The subject is "it" and the verb is "isn't".subject = I / verb = like - I like ice cream.subject = we / verb = walk - We walk to school everyday.subject = My brother and I / verb = ate - My brother and I ate the cake.subject = all my friends / verb = are having - All my friends are having a party

What follows a linking or action verb?

WHAT FOLLOWS A LINKING VERB?A linking verb (known as a copula) is normally followed by either a COMPLEMENT (which may be either a noun or an adjective), or an ADVERBIAL. For example, in He is my father, 'is' is the linking verb and 'my father' is the Complement (noun phrase). Similarly, in David is happy, 'is' is the linking verb and 'happy' is the complement (adjective). As in those examples, the linking verb is most often a form of 'be', although 'become', 'feel', seem' are also commonly used linking verbs. As those examples show, the Complement tells you about the subject, either by renaming it (father) or by describing it (happy). The analysis in both is S-V-C.The other structure that may follow a linking verb is an Adverbial which typically tells you where the subject is, for example in John is in the garden, 'is' is again the linking verb and the prepositional phrase 'in the garden' an adverbial. This time the sentence would be analysed S-V-A.WHAT FOLLOWS AN ACTION VERB?Most verbs are not in fact linking verbs. One type of non-linking verb is the dynamic verb (sometimes called an action verb). Here the subject is actively involved in a specific action, e.g. 'kick, 'run', 'eat'. Often, action verbs require something to complete their meaning, but sometimes they don't. The important thing is to look at how the verb is being used. For example, the verb phrase 'is eating' can be used in three different ways:1. With an object: in Alan is eating his lunch, 'is eating' is an action verb and 'his lunch' is an object. The sentence is thus analysed as S-V-O. When verbs are used like this with an object they are said to be 'transitive'.2. Without an object: in Alan is eating, 'is eating' is the action verb, but this time nothing follows the verb. The sentence analysis here is S-V. When verbs are used that way, they are said to be 'intransitive'.3. With an adverbial: in Alan is eating in the garden, 'is eating' is again the action verb and the prepositional phrase 'in the garden' an adverbial, thus S-V-A.A linking verb is normally followed by either a predicate noun or a predicate adjective.Example: He is my father.IS (linking verb) father (predicate noun).Thus the Sentence pattern is Subject (He) - Linking Verb (father) - Predicate Noun (father) or S-LV-PN. anotherExample: She seems tired.SEEMS (linking verb) TIRED (predicate adjective).Thus the sentence pattern is: Subject (She) - Linking Verb (seems) - Predicate Adjective (tired) or S-LV-PA.It would be good to note that both predicate noun and predicate adjective are considered Subjective Complements (C) So the sentence patterns for both may appear: S-LV-C. On the other hand, an action verb may be followed by a direct object.Example: John threw a ball .THREW (action verb) BALL (direct object).Thus the sentence pattern is Subject (John) - Transitive Verb (threw) - Direct Object (ball) simply put: S-TV-DO

Examples for sentence without object?

"She slept." "They laughed." "He sighed."