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Q: 1980's Disney movie about twin native American Indian boys separated as toddlers and raised by enemy tribes who then meet as men and have to fight each other?
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Can an Indian be Disney star?

Yeah amybe. Even I wanna be a Disney star in d US. M an Indian too. M searching for d same.

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Colours of the Wind is a song featured in the popular children's Disney movie call Pocahontas. It is about an American Indian girl who wants to marry a Spanish Colonist, John Smith.

Are there any Disney movies beginning with the letter l?

* The Incredibles * The Indian in the Cupboard (Sorry, I an not positive that these are Disney)

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The name of Disney movie about a red Indian princess is Pocahontas. This movie was released in 1995 and a sequel to this movie released in 1998.

What two groups were separated by the proclamation line of 1763?

The proclamation created a boundary line (often called the proclamation line) between the British colonies on the Atlantic coast and American Indian lands (called the Indian Reserve) west of the Appalachian Mountains.

American Indian who invented zero?

It was an India Indian, not an American Indian.

Is Mark Simone American Indian?

I don't think he is American Indian.

An imaginary line that separated white settlements and Indian settlements?


A term used that referred to an imaginary line that separated white settlements and Indian settlements?

It is important to learn the terminology from Colonial America. The Frontier is the imaginary line that separated the white settlements and the Indian settlements.