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how long does codeine stay in system

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Q: 1 tablespoon of codiene coughsyrup how long will it stay in the body?
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Can you take 1 mg of Xanax and a Tylenol 3 with codiene?

Yes as long as you do not abuse the drug.

How long does Oxycontin with codiene in your system?

Between 5-10 years. But it all depends on the individual. For some it can last up to 20 or more.

How long does codiene take to work?

I hurt myself my leg i think its syatica and the pain was severe i could not put my clothes on or even lean down to go to bathroom ,my friend gave me 2 half teaspoons of methadone now im terrified of this drug i want this out of my system more than anything .please give me an aswer as soon as poss

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What area is the container, that makes a huge difference.

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Demerol will show up as an opiate but only if they do an extended opiate test. The only opiate that will show up in hair follicle is morphine or codiene unless the extended test is requested.

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What cold medicine has most cocaine?

Dude are you retarded, use of cocaine in cold remedys was outlawed LONG ago cold medicine doesnt have cocaine, If you ment to say codiene which I think you did a good one is codiene and promethazine susp. its purple, its what the rappers sing about, Also this is just a matter of opinion if you have a "cold" and are simply wondering what the "best" medicine would be to ask for then I have an answer for that to, my two favorite RX cold medicines are J-COf DHC you have to say the DHC it contains dihydrocodiene it is a little stronger than regular codiene, And the best one is called Tussionex Gold. It contains 10-20mg of hydrocodone bitrate per Tsp. Its the best you can get, its a gold yellow color very thick and its sweet like candy, you could literally drink it and enjoy it

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