

3 things What is nitrogen used for?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: 3 things What is nitrogen used for?
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Related questions

What are 3 things that nitrogen is used for and not used for?

Nitrogen is used as inert gas, for the synthesis of ammonia, liquid for low temperature.Nitrogen is not used as fuel for cars, for filling of fluorescent lamps, to sustain burning.

Can nitrogen be directly used by living things?

no nitrogen can not directly use for living

Which process changes free nitrogen in the air into nitrogen-containing compounds that can be used by living things?

nitrogen fixation

What 3 things do nitrogen make?

bugs money clothes There are a lot more than 3 things that contain nitrogen. Nitrogen is a necessary part of protein, which in turn is necessary to all living things on Earth. Nitrogen is also part of ammonia, nitric acid, potassium nitrate, nitroglycerin, and innumerable other compounds.

What are three interesting things about nitrogen?

78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen, it is used in fertilizer and it is important in the human source

What are 3 things farmers do to protect or increase nitrogen concentration of the soil?

Why three things? You can add a nitrogen fertilizer, or better yet plant a nitrogen fixing cover crop, typically a legume.

What is nitrogen changed into before being used by living things?

lightning & bacterial action (nitrogen fixers).

Do animals take in nitrogen directly from the atmosphere?

Since 78.08% of the Earth's atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, yes. But it cannot be used in biological processes. The nitrogen animals use comes in the form of nitrogen compounds acquired from food. Ultimately, the nitrogen used by most living things is produced by nitrogen-fixing bacteria which do use nitrogen from the atmosphere, these compounds are then taken in and used by plants.

What is nitrogen is changed into if substances before being used by living things?


How is nitrogen used in the industry?

nitrogen is the best freezing agent, it i used in the labs to preserve things, that are meant to be defrosted later and still be viable after, ex":cell bank

Is nitrogen a gas used by living things to turn food into energy?

No, oxygen is used to turn food or into energy

What 3 things must plants have for photosynthesis to occur?

nitrogen ,water,soil