

3 types of gasses

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Nitrogen, Helium, and Hydrogen

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14y ago

the greenhouse gases are methane,carbon dioxide,nitrous oxide,water vapor and ozone

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What is the 3 types of gasses?

The three main types of gases are inert gases (such as helium and neon), noble gases (such as argon and xenon), and greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide and methane). Each type of gas has different properties and roles in the environment.

Are gasses matter?

Yes, gases are a form of matter. They are made up of particles (atoms or molecules) that have mass and occupy space. Gases have the ability to fill the container they are in and can be compressed or expanded.

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What three gasses in the atmosphere?

The 3 important gasses (there are more) are:-NitrogenOxygenCarbon Dioxide

What are three gasses in the atmosphere?

The 3 important gasses (there are more) are:-NitrogenOxygenCarbon Dioxide

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soil , gasses , liquid

What we breathing in?

We breathe in air, which is a mix of many different types of gasses. Our body absorbs the oxygen from the air, and expels any gasses that our body will not use.

What do we breathe in in?

We breathe in air, which is a mix of many different types of gasses. Our body absorbs the oxygen from the air, and expels any gasses that our body will not use.

Can convection take place in gases?

Yes, convection can occur in gases. It involves the transfer of heat through the movement of gas molecules. Warmer gas rises, while cooler gas sinks, creating a circulation pattern that helps distribute heat in the gas.

What types of gas can be found in space?

the universe is probably made up of all the gasses

What are 3 gasses on mercury?

Helium, oxygen, and hydrogen.