

Best Answer
  1. ABC
  2. Ada
  3. Algol 60
  4. Algol 68
  5. APL
  6. Arc
  7. Assembly
  8. Awk
  9. BASIC
  10. Batch
  11. BCPL
  12. Befunge
  13. BETA
  14. C
  15. C++
  16. C--
  17. C# (pronounced C-sharp)
  18. CHILL
  19. Clipper
  20. Cobol
  21. CobolScript
  22. Component Pascal
  23. Cyclone
  24. D
  26. Euphoria
  27. Forth
  28. Fortran
  29. Free Pascal
  30. GNU Pascal
  31. Icon
  32. IDL
  33. Jal
  34. JavaScript
  35. Jovial
  36. Lagoona
  37. Leda
  38. Limbo
  39. Lua
  40. m4
  41. Maple
  42. Mathematica
  43. MATLAB
  44. Modula-2
  45. Modula-3
  46. Mumps
  47. Oberon
  48. Objective Caml (OCaml)
  49. Occam
  50. Oz-Mozart
  51. Pascal
  52. Perl
  53. PHP
  54. PL
  55. PL/1
  56. Pliant
  57. PL/SQL
  58. PostScript
  59. PowerBuilder
  60. Proteus
  61. REBOL
  62. Rexx
  63. S-Lang
  64. Small C
  65. Snobol
  66. Tcl-Tk
  67. T3X
  68. VBA
  69. Visual Basic
  70. Visual DialogScript
  71. Yorick

Note: Some of these languages, such as PHP, Perl, Caml/OCaml, and IDL also support object oriented programming. Others on the list (C++, JavaScript, C# ) are primarily object-oriented languages which can also (though less commonly) be used to program procedurally.

Some are macro or scripting languages (Rexx, Awk, m4) which, while they do support some procedural concepts, aren't really procedural languages, but rather interpreted streams.

Also note that Assembly is NOT a high-level language, and generally is not considered a procedural language, as it doesn't have enough abstraction.

Finally, traditional COBOL is NOT a procedural language (in fact, one of the long-standing criticism of it is that it lacks any structured programming characteristics). Current-day COBOL has some ability to use procedural programming concepts, but, overall, should not be considered a real procedural language. SNOBOL is similar, in that the original version were certainly not procedural in nature, but modern versions are much more structured programming friendly (and can be considered a procedural language).

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11y ago
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10y ago

Procedural programming is unstructured so there are no structured loops or procedure calls. Code is written procedurally with conditional jumps or gotos to determine the flow of control. Although the code can be directly mapped to a flowchart, the code is "spaghetti" in nature, making it much more difficult to follow the logic than with structured languages.

Machine code is the ultimate example of the procedural paradigm, as is assembly language. Most of the early languages such as cobol, pascal and BASIC were also procedural but had a much greater level of abstraction (hence they became the first high-level languages). Most of these languages are now multi-paradigm languages, supporting procedural, structured and object-oriented paradigms. C is a mid-level language that primarily provides low-level procedural programming within a structured language -- making it easier to produce efficient machine code without the complexities of assembly language. C++ extends C to provide object-oriented support. By contrast, Java is a non-procedural high-level language, being an entirely object-oriented language from the outset.

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9y ago

Computer programming languages are used to create software, webpages, perform scientific calculations, and do a number of other things. Three programming languages are Java, Visual Basic, and C Sharp.

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11y ago

There are only 3 levels. Native machine code, low-level assembler and high-level languages. Terms such as 3GL and 4GL are meaningless. High-level languages are and always have been categorised according to whether they are imperative, declarative, functional, object oriented, domain specific and so on.

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11y ago

There are only three major types of programming language, not four.

  1. Machine code: the native language of the computer. All other languages must be assembled, compiled or interpreted to machine code in order to execute. Machine code is platform-specific; code written specifically for one platform cannot be executed upon any other platform.
  2. Low-level code: a symbolic language known as Assembler Language that allows machine code to be constructed using a system of mnemonics and symbols in place of binary instructions and operands. A machine code program (the Assembler) translates the low-level code to produce the required machine code. Every platform has it's own version of Assembler Language.
  3. High-level code: an abstract symbolic language that uses human-readable keywords (typically English-based) and sentence-like structures to convey logic. High-level code can be platform-specific, however the level of abstraction is such that code can often be compiled to suit any platform, provided a suitable compiler or interpreter exists for that platform.

The vast majority of programming languages are high-level as the abstraction between the source code and the platform allows programmers to concentrate on functionality rather than the specific capabilities of the machine(s). High-level languages can be further classified by whether they are imperative, declarative, procedural, structured, object-oriented, functional, logical, domain-specific, or hybrid.

Although high-level languages were once classified as third-generation languages (3GL) to coincide with the evolution of third-generation hardware, the term has no practical meaning (prior to that there were no 1GL or 2GL languages). And while marketing types have attempted to garner favour by using the equally meaningless terms 4GL and 5GL, they have largely been abandoned today. Some language implementations still occasionally use the terms to promote their brand, but there is no official specification that differentiates one generation from another. A myriad of unsuccessful attempts to clarify the exact meanings only serve to underline the fact they had no meaning to begin with.

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13y ago






the main thing is BASIC..

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11y ago

1)with return type

no arguements

2)with return type with arguements

3)with out return type no arguements

4)with out return type with arguements

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11y ago

visual basic,sql

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14y ago

C++ Java PHP ASP

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What is the difference between program language and procedural language?

programming language is of two type 1. procedural programming language 2.non procrdural programming language .. ----non procedural programming language means that which relates with the real world.. for example-oops oops is a non procedural programming language because it relates to the object and object relate to the natural or real world where as that languge which does not belong to the real world is known as procedural language

Short note on structural programming and procedural programming?

There is no difference between procedural programing language & structure programing language.

Example of procedural programming language and object oriented programming language?

example of procedural programming are those programming language that have structure e.g basic,fortran,c++,c and pascal e.t.c

Is java example of a procedural programming language?

No.Its purely object oriented programming language

Is C programming procedural or object oriented?

C is a weakly typed procedural programming language. For object oriented programming languages near C, you can look at ooc ( ), C++, D, and Java.

What type of language c?

It is a structured, procedural, high level programming language.

What is the purpose of a procedural programming?

A procedural language is a programming language in which everything is processed in the order it appears to the computer. A computer programming language that follows, in order, a set of commands. In contrast, an object-oriented language is a language in which everything is processed depending on what happens in the program -- user input, errors, or other events. PHP is both a procedural and object-oriented language, depending on the way it is used

What are the examples of procedural language in C coding?

c is in inteself a procedural language so your question does not make sense

What kind of language is C programming?

C is a general purpose, procedure oriented (procedural) programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972.

Is c object oriented or object based?

C is a procedural programming language.

Is windows XP a procedural language or object oriented?

Windows XP is an operating system, not a programming language.

Which type of language c plus plus is?

It's an imperative, procedural and Object-Oriented programming language.