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Yes, it can take the hormones a couple of months to settle. unless you've had unprotected sex of course, then you could be pregnant.

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Q: 5 weeks after miscarriage at 15 weeks plus Pregnancy test?
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How long after a miscarriage should a pregnancy test show positive?

A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

You had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago and took a pregnancy test that said positive is that your hormones from the old pregnancy?

yes that's exactly what it is. the pregnancy hormone stays in your body for several weeks after a miscarriage.

Will a pregnancy test be positive the next day after a miscarriage?

Yes and it can be for several weeks.

Can you have a negative pregnancy test and then have a miscarriage after?

No, if you're having a miscarriage, the pregnancy test will still be positive as you're passing the pregnancy.

Does the body continue producing progesterone weeks after miscarriage?

The body needs a few weeks to catch up so the pregnancy test will show positive for awhile after the miscarriage or abortion.

Will pregnancy test still read positive after miscarriage?

Will pregnancy test still read positive after miscarriage?

Can you have a positive pregnancy test after a miscarriage?

Yes you can. Pregnancy tests can come out positive weeks after a miscarriage. but you should still get checked by a doctor because you may have just been bleeding. you can't tell for sure if you had a miscarriage unless you see a doctor.

Will a home pregnancy test be accurate if you had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago?

Yes, all of the hormones from the previous pregnancy have left your body by this point. ~pawsalmighty

Can a home pregnancy test show up positive after a miscarriage?

Yes. It can take several weeks for the hCG to clear from the body. It depends what stage of pregnancy you were at.

Does a positive pregnancy test 2 weeks after a miscarriage mean a new pregnancy or just pregnancy hormones retained from last time?

Most likely the hormones haven't settled. You should wait 3 weeks until you have sex after a miscarriage though so if you had you could be pregnant again.

After a miscarriage and home test is still positive is it possible that you are still pregnant?

Wait a few weeks to take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. It will take a while for the pregnancy hormone to get out of your system, so a test will show up positive even if you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. And I am sorry for your loss.

Can you get a positive result for a pregnancy test and start bleeding with clots and when you take another test 2 weeks later it says negative?

It means you had a miscarriage.