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Q: 6 What name is given to the orbit of an artificial communications satellite?
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What satellite was launched on October 4th 1957?

The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth.

What was the first satellite in orbit?

The first satellite in orbit was launched by the Russians on October 4, 1957. The satellite was Sputnik I, and it spurred the USA to launch their own satellite, Explorer I, on January 31, 1958.Sputnik 1

What are two names of different satellites?

Anything in orbit could be considered a satellite. There is one natural satellite - the moon. There are hundreds of navigation, communications, weather, science/experimental and military/intelligence satellites in orbit. There are thousands of bits of "space junk" orbiting the earth at present.

What is artifical satellite?

Artificial satellites are human-made, orbital objects sent into space. (There are several thousand of these in orbit around Earth.) Our moon is the only natural satellite that Earth has.Related Information:Since 1957, the term has been applied to objects that orbit the Earth. Now a number of objects have been put into orbit around various planets, moons and even our Sun.NASA currently has a plan to move a small asteroid to a near Earth position in stable orbit. This action has the potential to create an orbiting object that is not man made. It has not yet been established whether this will be termed an artificial, natural, or other type of satellite.There are satellites beaming down television to us, providing pictures for Google earth, positioning for the GPS system, etc.The Space Shuttle Discovery docked with the International Space Station. Both of those assemblies are man-made, and both are in orbit around the earth. When the shuttle returned to earth, you heard about it on TV news. If you get your TV through a little dish on top of your garage, then you received it from another man-made satellite.An artificial satellite is an object which has been placed into orbit by human endeavor. They are called artificial satellites to distinguish them from natural satellites like the Moon. Examples of artificial satellites are Communications Satellites and Monitering Satellites.

Was Sputnik Earths first artificial satellite?

It was the first human-made satellite, (launched from Russia on Oct. 4, 1957), to orbit the Earth. A space probe leaves the orbit of Earth and goes off into distant space. Sputnik only left Earth's orbit to burn up in the upper atmosphere on Jan. 4, 1958.

Related questions

What is an artificial satllite?

A satellite is any object in orbit. An artificial satellite is specifically placed in orbit by human endeavor.

Is Explorer-1 an artificial satellite?

yes explorer 1 was the artificial satellite and after it was launched the United States became the second country to send a satellite in orbit

How is artificial satellite and the moon the same?

they both orbit the earth

What was the first satellite and who launched it?

The first artificial satellite was "Sputnik", launched into orbit by the Soviet Union.

What causes stability of satellite in space?

the gravitational force of earth keeps the satellite(better write artificial satellite)in orbit.

What is it meant by apogee and perigee?

Both of those words refer to points in the orbit of an earth satellite ... the moon or any artificial satellite. Apogee . . . the point in the orbit where the satellite is farthest from the earth. Perigee . . . the point in the orbit where the satellite is closest to the earth.

Can a artificial satellite be put into orbit in such a way that it will always remain directly over Chennai?

Yes this is called Geosynchronous Orbit. This is when a satellite is in orbit but never moves in relation to its point on Earth.

What is a known natural satellite?

A moon, as opposed to artificial satellites that we manufacture and place in orbit, like the DirecTV satellite.

Who launched an artificial satellite into orbit first the U.S. or the solviet union?


Where did Sputnik 2 go?

It was an artificial satellite that went into orbit around the earth

Natural and artificial satellite?

A natural satellite is a celestial body that orbits a planet, like Earth's moon, while an artificial satellite is a man-made object placed into orbit around Earth for various purposes such as communication, weather tracking, or navigation. Natural satellites occur naturally in space, while artificial satellites are created and launched by humans.

How do satellite phones work?

Satellite phones work by connecting directly to a communications satellite in orbit, which then routes the call to a standard phone network. Because the satellites are in orbit the phone can work anywhere on earth.