

a medium is a

Updated: 8/10/2023
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Benjamin Sanders

Lvl 1
3y ago

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Lithograph is a type of print, not a medium. Printing is a medium, painting is a medium, lithography is a medium, but a lithograph is a product, like A painting is a product. Lithos are usually drawn with grease pencils of some sort in a mirror image of the subject you want on a smooth stone or metal plate, then water-based inks are applied, one color to each pass of the print.

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Keely Schneider

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3y ago
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11y ago

In science medium usually refers to the environment or conditions an experiment is carried out under.

For example, some chemical reactions take place in an aqueous medium, or some physical tests they make a special substance that reduces outside interference (like in CSI when they fire bullets into a tub of goo, that goo is the "medium" the experiment takes place in).

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3y ago

when u have a cookie and more cookies

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