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Q: A Bermuda one usually means good weather?
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How can you tell that the weather will be fine?

high pressure usually means good weather

What is the relationship between weather and community activities?

Good weather usually means more activities. Bad weather means cancellation.

What is hace buen tiempo?

"The weather is nice.""It's nice outside."Literally: "It makes good weather"Literally means: "It makes good weather." or simply: "The weather is nice."

What type of weather does a Cirrus cloud indicate?

It indicates wind shear, which doesn't affect the earth's core much.

When is the best weather time for a cruise to Bermuda from the Northeastern US?

Good weatherDecember thru May. Hurricane season is July thru October. Bermuda has an average high temperature of 76 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the World Meteorological Organization. The high ranges from the upper 60s in January through March to 80+ from June through September.Rainfall exceeds five inches in January, June, August and September and exceeds six inches in October because of the hurricane season.Warm weather means more rain, cool weather means less rain.

Why. Is fair weather common during periods of high pressure?

Areas of low pressure usually have cloudy weather. Sinking motion in high-pressure air masses makes it difficult for air to rise and clouds to form. That's why high pressure usually means good weather.

When the barometer falls can we expect good weather or bad weather?

Falling barometer means low pressure, which means a storm/ bad weather.

What does high air pressure usually mean?

Low pressure is associated with rising air, cloudiness, and precipitation.

What kind of weather will you have with a cirrus clouds?

cirrus clouds mean usually fair (good) weather

What happens when barometric pressure increases?

When the barometric pressure rises it means calm fair weather is coming or is already occurring. When the barometric pressure falls it means foul weather is on the way such as rain and storms and clouds.

Draw a conclusion why is far weather common during periods of high pressure?

Sinking motion in high-pressure air masses makes it difficult for air to rise and clouds to form. That's why high pressure usually means good weather.

What kind of good s did blockade runners usually carry from the south to Bermuda?

Bales of cotton, used to pay for weapons brought in the other direction.