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When a ball is dropped from a certain height, its initial speed is 0 m/s as it starts from rest. The ball gains speed as it falls due to gravity pulling it downwards.

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Q: A ball is dropped from a certain height. What is its initial speed?
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How does the launch angle relate to the initial speed of the projectile?

The launch angle and initial speed of a projectile are both factors that determine the range and height of the projectile. A higher launch angle with the same initial speed will typically result in a longer range but lower maximum height. Conversely, a lower launch angle with the same initial speed will result in a shorter range but a higher maximum height.

When a ball is throw upward how does the height reached by the ball depend on its initial speed?

The height reached by a ball thrown upward depends on its initial speed: the higher the initial speed, the higher the maximum height reached. This is because a greater initial speed gives the ball more kinetic energy, allowing it to overcome gravity and reach a higher position before gravity brings it back down.

How does the starting height affect the total time the marble rolls?

The starting height of the marble affects its initial speed, which in turn influences the time it takes to reach the bottom. A marble starting from a higher height will have a greater initial speed and reach the bottom faster compared to a marble starting from a lower height.

What is the theoretical relationship between average speed and initial height?

Theoretical relationship between average speed and initial height: The average speed of an object in free fall is directly proportional to the square root of the object's initial height. This means that as the initial height increases, the average speed also increases, following a square root relationship.

When a ball is dropped from a height its speed increases gradully?

When a ball is dropped from a height, it accelerates due to the force of gravity acting on it. As it falls, its speed increases at a steady rate until it reaches terminal velocity, at which point the speed remains constant due to air resistance balancing the force of gravity.

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Why does an object dropped from a certain height have more than twice the speed of an object dropped from half the height of the previous object?

Because they undergo an acceleration. Free fall velocity is the function of a square.

When a football kicked reaches its maximum height how does its speed compare to its initial speed?

When it's at its maximum height its speed will be zero.

How does the launch angle relate to the initial speed of the projectile?

The launch angle and initial speed of a projectile are both factors that determine the range and height of the projectile. A higher launch angle with the same initial speed will typically result in a longer range but lower maximum height. Conversely, a lower launch angle with the same initial speed will result in a shorter range but a higher maximum height.

What experiments can you do with acceleration?

You can drop an object from a certain height and time it to see how fast it goes. Make sure that you find the distance of the height from where you dropped it so that you can find out the speed by dividing the time by the distance.

When a ball is throw upward how does the height reached by the ball depend on its initial speed?

The height reached by a ball thrown upward depends on its initial speed: the higher the initial speed, the higher the maximum height reached. This is because a greater initial speed gives the ball more kinetic energy, allowing it to overcome gravity and reach a higher position before gravity brings it back down.

WHEN A BALL IS DRoPPED FROM A height its speed increases why?

Acceleration due to the force of gravity.

How does the starting height affect the total time the marble rolls?

The starting height of the marble affects its initial speed, which in turn influences the time it takes to reach the bottom. A marble starting from a higher height will have a greater initial speed and reach the bottom faster compared to a marble starting from a lower height.

What is the theoretical relationship between average speed and initial height?

Theoretical relationship between average speed and initial height: The average speed of an object in free fall is directly proportional to the square root of the object's initial height. This means that as the initial height increases, the average speed also increases, following a square root relationship.

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When a ball is dropped from a height its speed increases gradully?

When a ball is dropped from a height, it accelerates due to the force of gravity acting on it. As it falls, its speed increases at a steady rate until it reaches terminal velocity, at which point the speed remains constant due to air resistance balancing the force of gravity.

When Rae dropped a bowling ball from a height of 8 meters At which distance above the ground was the ball most likely moving at the greatest speed?

Still accelerating til it hits earth. ====================================== The height from which she dropped the ball is irrelevant. In any case, the ball was most likely moving at the greatest speed just as it hit the ground. The answer to the question is: zero.

How do you find the height of an object with only the initial speed?

You would need some more information.