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Q: A blow dyer transfers thermal energy mainly by?
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What term describes how a blow dryer transfers thermal energy?

The drier heats the air by radiation from the hot-coils, then blows the heated air at you, where it transfers the heat to you by conduction.

What types of energy are used in a blow dryer?

thermal energy

What will happen to the balloon stretched over the mouth of this empty bottle when the bottle is placed in hot water and what are all the energy transfers?

the balloon will start to blow up by the heat

What forms of energy presents when a candle burns?

The forms of energy is light energy because candles produce light and thermal energy. If you would like to keep the candle to burn stuff blow on it. When your done just put water on ti to take the fire out.

What forms of energy are present when a candle burns?

The forms of energy is light energy because candles produce light and thermal energy. If you would like to keep the candle to burn stuff blow on it. When your done just put water on ti to take the fire out.

Thermal fuse will blow when the temperature exceeds the rated temperature of the fuse. Can a thermal fuse exceed its lifespan and blow or malfunction other than temperature exceeding rating?

It's possible. I'd be wary assuming this is the problem. If you can replace with an identical thermal fuse and test, I would. It is very likely you have an overheating issue, though. Clean whatever the fuse is meant to protect thoroughly. If this is in a light fixture, i would be tempted to replace with a lower energy light bulb.

What are winds that blow mainly from one direction?


When a liquid becomes a solid where does the heat energy in the liquid go?

A gas has more heat energy, often called thermal energy, than a liquid, even if both the liquid and gas are at the same temperature. Consider that the gas molecules have more thermal energy than liquid molecules of that same substance. The gas molecules are "free" to move around more because they have more kinetic energy than molecules of the liquid. And kinetic energy is function of thermal energy. If we consider the case of water molecules to illustrate our point, when a pan of water is boiling, the water molecules escaping the pan as a gas have more kinetic energy than the ones making up the liquid water that is still in the pan. Also consider the case of water that is evaporating. Wet your finger and blow on it. The liquid water on your finger cools as the evaporating water molecules take thermal energy from that liquid to make their change of state possible. It takes an increase of thermal (heat) energy to change a liquid into a gas.

Can you give me at least 10 appliances that uses thermal energy with picture?

Stove Refrigerator Microwave Iron Curling Iron Blow dryer Furnace Hot water heater Toaster Coffee Pot

Is a blow-fish a herbivore omnivore or carnivore?

Blow fishes are carnivores they eat mainly shrimp squids or clams.

What is the source of energy that causes the to blow?

What source: Energy From where: Sun

Can I use Tresemme thermal creations with dry hair?

Yes, many people use the Tresemme Thermal Creations with dry hair. It can be used right after blow drying.