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No it is made out of glass. This is a common trick question.

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Q: A yellow house is made of yellow bricks A red house is made of red bricks Is a greenhouse made of green bricks?
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When the blue house is made of blue bricks a yellow house is made of yellow bricks what is a green house made of?

A greenhouse is made out of glass or at least some sort of translucent plastic. (This is a trick question since folks will likely say green bricks.)

If a blue house is made of blue bricks and a yellow house is made of yellow bricks what is a greenhouse made of?


If a red house is made from red bricks a blue house is made from blue bricks a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks what is a greenhouse made from?

Glass! Its a trick question. They want you to say green bricks!

If a blue house is made out of blue bricks a yellow house is made out of yellow bricks and a pink house is made out of pink bricks what is a green house made of?


If a blue house is blue a red house is red a yellow house is yellow and a purple house is purple what color is a green house?

This question can be answered two ways, the first is that you are referring to the colour of the green house, in which case the house would be green. However If you are in fact referring to a "greenhouse" then the answer would be that a greenhouse is made of glass, therefore it has no colour other than the colour you can see through it

A red house is made from red bricks a blue house is made of blue bricks a pink house is made of pink bricks and a black house is made of black bricks What is a greenhouse made from?


How do they call green house in spanish?

Casa verde (literally 'green house', a house coloured green invernaculo (accent on the 'a') - a greenhouse, for rearing seedlings (el efecto) invernadero - (the) greenhouse (effect)

Is a poly house and greenhouse the same?

green house and poly house are not same.

What is the science definition of greenhouse?

A house thats green

When a blue house is made of blue bricks what is a green house made of?


Is the greenhouse effect real?

the green house is real. the goverment is try to find a solution to greenhouse.

What are the solution for prevention of green house affect?

Greenhouse effect is due to greenhouse gases. We have to stop their emission.