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A speed of 108km/hr or about 65 miles per hour.

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Q: A car going 30 meters per second has?
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If it is going from rest, it's speed after 5 seconds is 12.5 metres per second

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That's easy, if the car is initially traveling at 25 meters per second and gradually accelerates 3 meters per second for 6 seconds then the car is traveling at 43 meters per second.

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33.33 meters per second.

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Take 200 divide by 20!

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Convert 55mph into meters per second?

Multiply mph by 0.45 to get meters per second. So, 55 x 0.45 = about 24.6 meters per second.

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(10 - 30)/4 = -5.0 meters per second per second (which can be written also as meters per second squared).