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A cell is the smallest part of an organism.

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Q: A cell can be considered the smallest part of an?
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Is a cell the smallest particle of ordinary matter?

No, a cell is the smallest part of a living organism that can be considered alive.

What do you call the smallest living part of an organism?

a cell. it is the basic component off all matters.

Can an cell be considered the smallest part of an atom that can change on its own?

cells are not parts of atoms!

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is dosen`t help at all

What is the smallest part of the body that is alive?

The cell, is the smallest part of the body that is said to be alive.

What are the smallest unit on earth that is considered alive?

Difficult question. Viruses can be considered non-living because they lack a cellular structure and cannot metabolize things on their own. Porcine cicovirus is the smallest virus. Nanobes are considered the smallest known organism by most. But there are also Nanoarchaeum and Mycoplasma Gentilalium.

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What is the smallest thing that can be considered alive?

A Cell

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A Cell

What is the smallest part in the body?

maybe the cell

What is the smallest part of the living organism?

a cell

What is smallest living part of a organism?

a cell