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The number of moles in each element

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The subscripts in a chemical formula indicate the number of atoms of each element present in the compound. They show the ratio of the different elements in the compound's composition.

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Q: A chemical formula includes the symbols of the elements in the compound and subscripts that indicate what?
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Is water a chemical or element?

Water is a chemical compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. It is not considered an element on its own but a combination of elements.

Which id not a binary compound?

Water (H2O) is not a binary compound as it contains hydrogen and oxygen, but also has a molecular formula that includes subscripts indicating the number of atoms of each element present.

Why is Vitamin A classified as a compound?

Vitamin A is classified as a compound because it is a distinct chemical substance that consists of specific elements arranged in a particular structure. It has unique properties and functions in the body, which differentiate it from other substances.

What combinations of symbol and explanation of symbol is correct when used in a chemical equation?

A chemical equation typically includes symbols representing elements (e.g., H for hydrogen, O for oxygen) and subscripts to indicate the number of atoms present (e.g., H2O for water, 2H2 + O2 for the synthesis of water). Additionally, coefficients are used to balance the equation by ensuring the same number of each type of atom on both sides of the equation.

Is mercury II oxide is an element or a compound?

Type your answer here... A compound... duh! If it includes the names of more than one element, (in this case oxide=oxygen and mercury) and it is (obviously) safely enough combine for it to be named, it is a compound. Besides, if "element" means ONE ELEMENT, and the name includes mercury and oxygen, that means that there are TWO ELEMENTS, HELLO!

Related questions

Is water a chemical or element?

Water is a chemical compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. It is not considered an element on its own but a combination of elements.

What chemical formula includes the of each element in the compound?

You think probable to chemical symbols.

Why is table salt considered to be a compound?

A compound is a substance consisting of two or more elements. Table salt, NaCl, includes the elements of Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl). Therefore, it consists of two elements, making it a compound.

The periodic table includes abbreviated identifiers for?

Chemical elements.

Why is table salt a compounds table salt a compound?

A compound is a substance consisting of two or more elements. Table salt, NaCl, includes the elements of Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl). Therefore, it consists of two elements, making it a compound.

What categories includes the majority of the elements?

The majority of the elements in the periodic table fall into the categories of metals, metalloids, and nonmetals. Metals are located on the left side of the table, nonmetals on the right side, and metalloids along the zig-zag line that separates the two.

Why is Vitamin A classified as a compound?

Vitamin A is classified as a compound because it is a distinct chemical substance that consists of specific elements arranged in a particular structure. It has unique properties and functions in the body, which differentiate it from other substances.

A chemical formula shows kind and number of atoms that form a?

It is not a formula, it is the atomic number and the mass number.The atomic number is the number of protons.The mass number is the weight of a single atom of the element and also the number of protons and neutrons.The number of neutrons can be found by taking the proton number from the atomic number.If you are talking about moles and titration then change the question and I will give a more suitable answer.

Is mercury II oxide is an element or a compound?

Type your answer here... A compound... duh! If it includes the names of more than one element, (in this case oxide=oxygen and mercury) and it is (obviously) safely enough combine for it to be named, it is a compound. Besides, if "element" means ONE ELEMENT, and the name includes mercury and oxygen, that means that there are TWO ELEMENTS, HELLO!

What is a common compound found that includes helium?

Helium does not combine with other elements and pure helium will exist by itself as elemental helium.

In what part of the periodic table is oxygen located?

The chalcogens are the chemical elements in group 16 of the periodic table, which includes Oxygen.

What are the groups 1 2 13 18?

These groups refer to the elements of the periodic table. Group 1 includes alkali metals, Group 2 includes alkaline earth metals, Group 13 includes boron group elements, and Group 18 includes noble gases. Each group has similar chemical properties.