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A child in positive nitrogen balance is consuming more nitrogen (from protein sources) than they are excreting, which is necessary for growth and development. This typically occurs during periods of growth, such as infancy and childhood, when the body is building new tissues and cells. It is important for overall health and development.

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Q: A child most likely in positive nitrogen balance?
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Can 2 o positives have an A positive or negative baby?

Yes, it is possible for two O positive individuals to have a child with A positive or A negative blood type. This is because each parent can pass on either an A or an O allele to their child, leading to a variety of blood type combinations in offspring.

Can your father and mother have Rh positive factor and you be Rh negative?

YES. Maybe both of your parents are half-Rh positive, but not a full-blown Rh positive. Your parents will have 25% chances of getting a Rh negative offspring (Out of 4 children, only 1 become Rh negative) This comes true in our family. Both myself and my husband are Rh positive and our kid (3 years) is Rh negative. My blood group is B+ve, and my husband is A1B+ve and our kid is A1-ve.

Can the chemicals in the pool make you fall asleep if not added correctly or be hazardous to your health?

Yes, improper chemical balance in a pool can lead to health hazards. Chlorine, for example, can cause skin and eye irritation or respiratory issues if not properly maintained. Excessive chemicals or fumes can also potentially make someone feel drowsy, but it is important to address any pool chemical issues promptly to avoid health risks.

Example of equilibration?

Equilibration occurs when a child assimilates new information (e.g., learning that not all four-legged animals are dogs) and accommodates their existing mental structures to create balance and a more accurate understanding of the world. This cognitive process was proposed by Jean Piaget as a key mechanism in children's intellectual development.

Does Ben Lemoine director of The Experiment have a child?

There is no public information available to confirm whether Ben Lemoine, the director of The Experiment, has a child. Personal details about his family life are not widely known.

Related questions

Is a growing child is likely to exhibit negative nitrogen balance?

No, a growing child is not likely to exhibit negative nitrogen balance because they require more protein to support their growth and development. Negative nitrogen balance occurs when protein breakdown exceeds protein synthesis, leading to loss of muscle mass and other tissues. Children typically have a positive nitrogen balance due to their high protein needs for growth.

Is a growing child likely to exhibit negative nitrogen balance?

Yes, a growing child is not likely to exhibit negative nitrogen balance because they require adequate protein intake for growth and development. Negative nitrogen balance typically occurs when the body is breaking down more protein than it is taking in.

Is Pregnancy is an example of negative nitrogen balance?

No, it is an example of positive nitrogen balance. This is because a pregnant women is in need of protein to allow growth of the child, and in order to build protein you need Nitrogen. Therefor pregnancy is considered positive nitrogen balance.

What happens when you are in positive nitrogen balance?

Positive nitrogen balance occurs when nitrogen intake is greater than nitrogen loss in the body. This typically happens during periods of growth, recovery from illness, or during pregnancy. It indicates that the body is able to build and repair tissues efficiently.

What is the blood group of child of an O positive mother and an A negative father likely to be?


What is the blood group of child of an o positive father and ab negative mother likely to be?

The child can inherit one blood type allele from each parent. The child will likely have either A or B blood type from the mother and a positive Rh factor from the father, resulting in a blood type of either A positive or B positive.

If two parents have A positive blood what would the child most likily have?

If both parents have A positive blood, their child would most likely also have A positive blood. This is because the child inherits one blood type allele from each parent, and A positive is dominant, so it is highly probable for the child to have the same blood type as the parents.

If Mother is a positive and father is o negative what is baby?

Most likely A+ since blood type A is dominant over O Positive or negative is more of a guess since the parents hold the positive and negative alleles, the child will hold one of three combinations --(neg), -+(pos) or ++(pos). So the child will most likely carry the D antigen however this is just the most likely result.

Can an AB positive blood type and a o positive blood type a produce an o positive child?

Yes, it is possible for an AB positive parent and an O positive parent to have an O positive child. The child would inherit one O allele from the O positive parent and one A or B allele from the AB positive parent, resulting in an O positive blood type.

If Father has o neg and mother has a positive what will the daughter be?

If the mother's genotype is AA, the child can be A+ or A- If the mother's genotype is AO, the child can be A+, A-, O+, or O- Most likely A+

Can a oh positive and a mother that is ab negative have a child that is negative?

If O and positive are both dominant traits than it is possible, but only approximately 25% likely to happen.

What will happen in my second pregnancy if my first child had severe jaudice resulting from me being o negative?

If the first child was Rh positive it is less likely that the jaundice was due to Rh incompatibility unless you had an abortion earlier and did not take anti D. ABO incompatibility is more likely. If you took anti D after the first delivery because the first child was Rh positive then second child may not be affected.