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Isolated System

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A closed system in which the net external force is zero is in mechanical equilibrium.

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Q: A closed system in which the net external force on the system is zero is a what?
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What is the Condition for the Conservation of Linear Momentum of a system?

A closed system

Why is the change of momentum zero in an isolated system?

In an isolated system, the total external forces acting on the system are zero. Since momentum is a vector quantity that depends on both the mass and velocity of an object, changes in momentum require an external force. Without any external force acting on the system, the total momentum remains constant, resulting in zero change in momentum.

What is 0 bar pressure?

0 bar pressure means there is no pressure, or no force exerted on a surface. It indicates a vacuum or absence of any external force or stress on a system.

Why doesn't the blood pressure within the arteries drop to zero?

The circulatory system is a closed system, it shouldn't be zero anywhere.

What do you need in order to have a Force greater than zero acting on an object?

To have a Force greater than zero acting on an object, you need an external force to be applied to the object. Without this external force, the net force on the object will be zero, which means it will remain at rest or continue to move at a constant velocity due to Newton's First Law of Motion.

All forces are in balance and all forces are equal zero?

In a system where all forces are balanced, the net force on an object is zero, resulting in no acceleration. This state is known as equilibrium. It means that the object will remain at rest or move at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

If the force polygon is not a closed figure what does it indicates?

That the forces sum to a non-zero resultant.

What is the defined of force?

Force is an external effort and If the resultant of all force acting on a body is zero, then the forces are known as balanced force . Balanced forces do not change the speed.

Does a system with a net force of zero have to be in equilibrium?


What is the define of balanced force?

Force is an external effort and If the resultant of all force acting on a body is zero, then the forces are known as balanced force . Balanced forces do not change the speed.

What is Zero force member?

A zero force member is a structural member within a truss that is not subject to any force due to the geometry and external loading conditions. These members do not affect the overall stability or load-carrying capacity of the truss structure and can be identified and removed to simplify the analysis of the truss.

What is torque when angular momentum is constant?

When angular momentum is constant, torque is zero. This means that there is no net external force causing the object to rotate or change its rotational motion. The law of conservation of angular momentum states that if no external torque is acting on a system, the total angular momentum of the system remains constant.