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A poem and a pair of thick socks

A poem and a warm coat

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Lvl 6
2y ago
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Danny Arriaga

Lvl 1
2y ago
a poem and a pair of thick socks (apex)
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Emma Groh

Lvl 1
1y ago
yes you should start a class but ur answer isnt of my options but danny arriaga option is so i went with his.
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Wiki User

6y ago

Since you didn't say which poem, it's going to be difficult to answer the question properly.

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Lvl 1
3y ago
I believe it’s the poem “I am offering this poem,” by Jimmy Santiago Baca.

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Wiki User

11y ago

one is different than the other

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Wiki User

12y ago

Has the sam Basic Structurr as any Compare-and-Contrast essay Apex man

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Wiki User

13y ago

This one's easy. It is, quite simply, a compare and contrast essay.

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Draeson Harstone

Lvl 2
1y ago

boy if you dont stop capping and tell me the answers i came here for the answers not for me to tell you:l

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Phoenix Christophers...

Lvl 2
1y ago

4 big black guys

4 big white guys

the race is the diffrence, it always makes the diffrence...

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Kayali Lowe

Lvl 2
2y ago

girl I came here for the answers

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Wiki User

12y ago

Different words and meanings.

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To compare the ways that two authors use theme what is the best approach?

Contrast how each author's message about the theme is different.

How do you compare and contrast two poems?

Well, you look for similarities and differences. For instance, are they both about the same topic? Do they have the same rhyme scheme? Do they have similar tones, or goals, or imagery? You have to find something the same about them first, in order to get an effective comparison going, and then you can compare other things that are typical of poetry. Just try not to compare things that are too different. Comparing a 6-page ode to the "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue" type of poem probably won't get you anywhere... but comparing two poets writing about a similar theme might be effective. For instance, I can think off the top of my head two poems that both talk about the departure of a spouse... in one, the man is desolate and alone without his wife, and he spends the poem talking about being with her. The other talks about a wife who greets her husband after a long journey, welcomes him home, and takes care of him, and then when he leaves to go back after his brief stay, she runs back to her lover. ...same theme, but a lot sof differences to talk about. Look for something like that (if you get to choose your own poems to compare). Find two poems that both talk about love, or loss, or loneliness, or whatever, but that talk about it differently.

Compare and contrast poetic elements from paul dunbar's we wear the maskand Langston Hughes's Harlem?

The reason for pairing these two poems isn't immediately clear to me, but I suppose the two poems are related in how they address a central theme: how do we (esp. "we" in reference to black people in the late 19th and early 20th centuries) respond to the painful parts of life? In addressing this theme, both poems make heavy use of figurative language, but they don't always use the same literary elements. Dunbar's poem seems to rely more on metaphor (esp. in the central image of the mask) whereas Hughes' poem is structured around similes (all but one of the comparisons are introduced with the word "like"). The diction of the poems is very different and may be one point of contrast that you can develop. The vocabulary in Hughes' poem is simple and concrete in comparison to that of Dunbar's. Dunbar even uses the archaic form "thee." A good point of comparison and contrast may be the form of the poems. Both poems use end rhyme, but Hughes' poem is much more loosely structured; it's written in free verse and doesn't use a clearly measured number of syllables per line. Read the lines of both poems aloud, slowly and clearly but in a natural speaking voice, and you'll hear the difference in form.

How does Hamlet compare and contrast to Animal Farm or to The man in the Iron Mask?

Hamlet is a play. The other two are novels. All three do have something to do with usurpation of authority, but this is pretty vague.

How is the poem the lynching similar to colonial girls school?

they're not really that similar at all . In school we compared the lynching and a poem called Epitaph by Dennis Scott. those two poems are much easier to compare

Related questions

What do you call an essay that compares and contrasts two poems?

This would be called a compare-and-contrast essay.

A compare and contrast essay might have the purpose of?

A compare and contrast essay's purpose is to analyze the difference and similarities of two subjects.

If you wanted to write an essay that compares and contrasts the different attributes of two or more thing?

compare and contrast essay ^^APEX^^

What is an essay called that compares two or more things to see how they're similar and contrasts the same two or more things to see how they're different?

This type of essay is called a compare and contrast essay. It analyzes how two or more things are alike (compare) and different (contrast) in terms of their characteristics or features.

An essay that compares and contrasts two or more things is known as?

Compare-and-contrast essay.

What is an compare and contrast essay?

A compare and contrast essay is an essay that discusses the similarities and differences (or pros and cons) between two subjects. An essay written about the prices of a McDonald's burger and a Burger King burger would be an example.

An essay for compare and contrast for volleyball and tennis?

An essay to compare and contrast volleyball and tennis should explore some of the merits and demerits of the two sports overs one another.

In the compare-and-contrast essay what does compare mean?

Explain the similarities between two or more objects.

The compare and contrast essay what does compare mean?

To take two certain things and see how they are alike and different

What type of essay points out the similarities and differences between two or more things?

compare and contrast essay AHS2K18NGGA

What is the purpose of a compare- and- contrast essay?

When I say comparing the essay it refers to similarities and when I say contracts it refer to finding the differences. The words compare and contrast can be use when we have two entities i.e when ever there's comparison between two

What is a comparision and contrast essay?

A "compare and contrast" essay asks you to look at two or more things and describe the ways that they are similar (compare) and then the ways that they are different (contrast). These may be actual, physical elements or ideas. These could be two elements in a story. Usually at the end you have to give your opinion as to which you think is better. Compare and contrast is one of the easiest forms of essay and can easily be begun with a list.