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currents can be thought of simply by flowing through a wire, though not always the case.

It is convenient to think of current density which is the amount of current flowing through a cross sectional area, like water through the opening of a pipe, since electric current flows through many 3-dimensional objects.

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An electric circuit is the name of the path in which an electric current can flow.

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a closed circut

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Q: A complete path for electricity to flow?
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The movement of water is like the flow of the electricity. Electricity must have a complete path for the flow. This movement is called?


A simple circuit?

A simple circuit is a basic, simple and complete path through which electricity can flow.

A path for electricity to flow is a?

A path for electricity to flow is called a circuit. In a circuit, electrical current can flow from the power source through a conductor (such as a wire) to power an electrical device before returning to the power source. A complete circuit is necessary for electricity to flow.

Why des electricity need to follow a path?

Electricity is the flow of electrons.Hence it requires a path containing free electrons in order to flow.

What is made up of parts that work together to form a complete path allowing electricity to flow?

A closed electrical circuit.

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The movement of water is like the flow of the electricity. Electricity must have a complete path for the flow. This movement is called?

What is an electrical circit?

The path through which a current flows is called a circuita electrical line that voltage runs through

Will electricity flow if you have a complete circuit?

Yes, if you have a complete circuit, electricity will flow. A complete circuit includes a power source (such as a battery or generator), conductive path (such as wires), and a load (such as a light bulb or motor). When the circuit is closed, electrons will flow from the negative terminal of the power source through the conductive path to the positive terminal, creating an electrical current.

What is the complete path for electricity is called?


What is a complete path for transfer of electricity?

A complete path for the transfer of electricity involves a power source, conductive material (wires or cables) to carry the electricity, and a load (device or equipment) that uses the electricity. The electricity flows from the power source through the conductive material to the load, where it is converted into useful work. The path forms a closed loop circuit, allowing the electricity to continuously flow.