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Q: A component of bacteria that are often used in biotechnology are?
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Is bacteria used in biotechnology?


What are the commonly used microbial bacteria in biotechnology?

There are several bacteria used in biotechnology depending on the purpose of the experiment. However if we have to pick one up we have to go for Escherichia coli.

What are the different types of bacteria used in biotechnology?

E. coli - easy to culture & transformBacillus thuringiensis - used for Bt corn

How does biotechnology work?

biotechnology is using living organisms to produce food or other products for exampl bacteria are used to produce human insulin or youghurt Biotechnology is using cells and molecules to improve our lives. Biotechnology can be use in baking, brewing and breeding food crops or animals.

What are the useful microorganisms in biotechnology?

most widely used bacteria (prokaryotes) are E.coli and Agrobacterium Yeast is also a widely used eukaryote.

What is the function of the plasmid?

Plasmids are extra circular genetic material that can be passed from bacteria to bacteria, which basically is their function; in bacterial conjugation. But, in biotechnology it is often used in recombination work. Some other organisms gene is inserted into the bacterial plasmid and then the bacteria multiply and transcribe this inserted gene into many useful products.

How has biotechnology been used to improve potato crops?

A gene from a frog has been used to cause potatoes produce a chemical that makes them resistant to infections from fungi and bacteria.

What year was biotechnology discovered?

The field of biotechnology was first discovered in the late 19th century. The foundation of biotechnology was the discovery of enzymes which are proteins that are used to speed up chemical reactions. The two main branches of biotechnology are: Modern biotechnology which focuses on the use of tools such as genetic engineering and recombinant DNA. Traditional biotechnology which focuses on the use of naturally occurring microorganisms to create products such as beer and cheese.The discovery of biotechnology has revolutionized the sciences and has been used in many industries such as food pharmaceuticals and energy. The first patent for biotechnology was granted in 1978 which is often cited as the year biotechnology was discovered.

Where chlorine gas is used to kill bacteria?

It is often used in pools to kill both algae and bacteria that is produced.

The use of technology to solve crimes?

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How is biotechnology used to produce biomedical and agricultural products?

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What have biotechnology companies begun to realize about bacteria adapted to extreme environments?

They are a rich source of heat-stable enzymes. These enzymes can be used in medicine, food production, and industrial chemistry.