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This question needs to be more specific because if left like this it is more a physics question.

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Tiara Lebsack

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this is direction because it telling us how it's moving

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A trend.

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Q: A general direction something tends to move?
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Weather in the middle latitudes tends to move in what general direction?

west to east

What is a general direction something tends to move?

Objects tend to move from higher to lower energy states, following the path of least resistance. This is known as the principle of least action.

A general directionin which something tends to move?

In a straight line. From the center to the outside of a circle.

What is propollent?

A propellent refers to any substance that is capable or tends to move or propel something.

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Le Chatelier's principle states that if a system at equilibrium is disturbed by a change in temperature, pressure, or concentration of its components, the system will shift to counteract the disturbance and establish a new equilibrium.

Which term means to move backwards or in the opposite direction?

The term is "retract." It means to move something back or withdraw it in the opposite direction.

What general direction did Alexander the Great move his empire?

He moved his armies eastward.

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Friction is the force that tends to keep a load from moving. It acts in the opposite direction to the force applied to move the load, making it harder to overcome.

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What determines the speed and direction of clouds?

cloud have no particular direction it move in the direction of wind

If a car hits a stationary car which direction will they move?

Whichever direction the traveling car was moving, until something stops them.