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Class, Phylum, Family... there's a bunch of answeres to that one. *~*

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Fammily, Genus, Species These are categories used to classify all living things on the earth. Kingdom is the top, going down to species. Specific traits that are sahred among a group of organisism can be unique to any one fo these groups from the Kingdom to the species.

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Q: A group of organisms that share similar characteristics?
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Group of organisms that share many characteristics and interbreed with each other is called a?

This group of organisms would be called a Community.

Do all organisms in a kingdom share many characteristics and very similar?

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What is the main different between organisms that share many characteristics and organism that do not?

The more derived characteristics organisms share,the greater their degree a kinship. For instance,a derived characteristic in plants is the presence of the vascular tissue.Although all organisms share similar traits.

How are organisms in a species different from othes in their genus?

Organisms in a species share more similar characteristics and can interbreed to produce viable offspring, whereas organisms in the same genus may have more differences but still share some common characteristics. Species are a more specific group than genus. Organisms in the same genus are more closely related than organisms in different genera.

A group of similar organisms that can reproduce?

A species refers to a group of similar organisms that can reproduce and produce fertile offspring. Members of the same species share common characteristics and can interbreed to create viable offspring. This ability to reproduce is what distinguishes a species from other taxonomic classifications.

What is a group of similar genus?

A group of similar genus is a taxonomic rank that classifies closely related species. Genus is the rank above species and below family in the biological classification system. Organisms within the same genus share a common ancestor and typically have similar characteristics.

A kingdom is a level of classification that contains few closely related species?

A kingdom is a taxonomic rank in biological classification, typically comprising a large group of organisms that share certain fundamental characteristics. It is one of the broadest levels of classification that helps organize and group similar organisms together based on their shared evolutionary history and characteristics.

Which organisms would share more characteristics in common those in the same class or the same family?

Organisms in the same family would share more characteristics in common than those in the same class. Family is a more specific taxonomic rank than class, so organisms within the same family are more closely related and share more similar characteristics. Organisms within the same class may belong to different families and, therefore, not necessarily share as many common characteristics.

What is biologicial species?

a group of organisms that can reproduce only among themselves and that are usually contained in a geographic region.

What is the narrowest group in a classification?

The narrowest group in a classification system is called a species. Organisms within a species share similar characteristics and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring.

What is the difference between organisms that share a derived characteristics and organisms that do not?


What is the importance of order in classification?

Order in classification helps to organize and group similar organisms based on shared characteristics, making it easier to study and understand their relationships. It provides a systematic way to identify and categorize organisms, helping scientists communicate and share information effectively. Additionally, order in classification helps in predicting the characteristics and behaviors of organisms based on their classification.