

Best Answer

There once was an overweight guy

Who feasted on nothing but pie

He said, "This society

Prizes variety

But I'll eat my pie till I die."

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Q: A limerick using rhyme with pie?
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The rhyme scheme of a limerick is?

The rhyme scheme of a limerick is: A-A-B-B-A, meaning lines 1, 2 and 5 (A) rhyme and lines 3 and 4 (B) also rhyme.

Rhyme scheme of a limerick?


What is another word for a collection of poems?

verse rhyme balladry ode sonnet lyric limerick

When you say a limerick is in the form aabba you are referring to its?

Rhyme scheme - in a limerick with an aabba rhyme scheme, lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with each other, and lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other.

How many stanzas does limerick have?

A limerick typically consists of five lines, with a rhyme scheme of AABBA.

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When corresponding lines rhyme it is sometimes referred to as what?


Is the rhyme scheme of a limerick ABABAB?

wrong. it's only AABBA. all of the "A's" rhyme and the "B's" rhyme

How many lines are in a limerick?

A limerick typically has five lines. The first, second, and fifth lines have a rhyme scheme of AABBA, while the third and fourth lines have a rhyme scheme of A.

When we say a limerick in the form aabba we are refering to its?

rhyme scheme.

What makes the poem a flea and a fly in a flue a limerick?

A limerick is a form of poetry with five lines, where lines one, two, and five rhyme with each other, and lines three and four also rhyme with each other. The poem "A flea and a fly in a flue" fits this pattern with its AABBA rhyme scheme, making it a limerick.

Why is a limerick called a limerick?

The name derives from a city or town in Ireland by that name. In popular use, a Limerick is a riddle in the form of a poem or rhyme, that is one popular use.