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Q: A lunar eclipse is longer than a solar eclipse?
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What lasts longer a solar or lunar eclipse?

The lunar eclipse lasts longer than a solar one

Why does a lunar eclipse lasts longer than a solar eclipse?

Because in a lunar eclipse the earth blocks the moon from the sun, and the earth is bigger. Solar eclipses are when the moon blocks the earth from the sun, and the moon is smaller, thus taking less time than a lunar eclipse.

Why do people see a total lunar eclipse more than a solar eclipse?

A total lunar eclipse can be seen anywhere on Earth where the moon is you are more likely to see a lunar eclipse than a solar eclipse.

Is a lunar eclipse or solar eclipse more visible?

the sun is blocked out in a solar eclipse so it is more noticeable than a lunar eclipse where only the moon is blocked out

Why are you are less likely to see a total solar eclipse than a total lunar eclipse?

a total lunar eclipse can be seen anywhere on earth where the moon is visible so you are more likely to see a total lunar eclipse than a total solar eclipse

How is solar eclipse different than lunar eclipse?

solar eclipse is when the moon comes between the sun and the earth but in a lunar eclipse the earth comes between the sun and the moon

Why do solar or lunar eclipses always occur during a full or new mon?

The earth is bigger than moon and earth cast bigger shadow. So lunar eclipse is last longer than solar eclipsse.

Is the umbra bigger in the solar or lunar eclipse and why?

The umbra is bigger in a lunar eclipse, because the Earth is bigger than the Moon.

Why does lunar eclipse last longer than a solar eclipse?

During a lunar eclipse, the Moon is in the Earth's shadow, with the Earth blocking the Sun's light. During a solar eclipse, it is the Earth that is in the shadow of the moon, with the moon blocking the Sun's light from striking a small area of the Earth. The Moon is much much smaller than the Earth, and so has a smaller shadow. This means the smaller lunar shadow results in a shorter solar eclipse. Ancient astronomers used to use the short time of the solar eclipse as a measuring device in the time before clocks existed.

Why have a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse is caused by the moon passing behind the earth in relation to the sun. Lunar eclipses are more common than solar eclipses.

Why do more people see a total lunar eclipse then a tootle solar eclipse?

More people can see a total lunar eclipse than a total solar eclipse because to see the complete solar eclipse you must be in a locations directly underneath it so your point of view and angle of the moon is correct. It doesn't matter as much as to where you are for a lunar eclipse...

Which is the slowest a solar or lunar eclipse?

Both result in the moon's orbit around the earth. In a lunar eclipse the moon is on the far side of the earth from the bright sun, and earth's shadow passes across its surface. Earth is larger than the moon, and casts a bigger shadow on it than the moon would cast on the earth during a solar eclipse. Therefore I would have to argue that the lunar eclipse should take longer, or be slower to complete.