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Permanet Magnet

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Q: A magnet made of a material that keeps its magnetism is called?
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Related questions

What is the difference between permanent pole and temporary pole?

a Temporary Magnet lose its magnetism quickly, a Permanent Magnet is hard and it keeps it magnetism

How does magnetism make our life safer?

Because the Earth is like a giant magnet it keeps the Sun's radiation from killing us.

What material keeps electrons from moving?

This is called an insulator material.

What type of magnet keeps its magnitism for a long time?

a permanent magnet does that.

What force keeps the nails and paper clips attached together?


How do friction magnetism and gravity affect's us on earth?

Friction keeps us from sliding indefinitely in any given direction. Magnetism governs compasses and even audio speakers. Gravity keeps on Earth.

How is magnetism is formed?

There are many ways how magnetism is cause. The main reason is due to the magnetic field of a magnet such as a bar magnet which constantly keeps creating its own magnetic field. And an electromagnet which only creates its magnetic field when it is switched on.

Does magnetic force pass through iron?

Magnetic force fields will pass through any material that is Not Magnetic itself, and does not have a magnetic field in it or surrounding it (like a wire carrying a current). When a magnetic field encounters a magnetic material the field is contained by it. This is the purpose of a "KEEPER", a metal bar that is placed across the Poles of a Horseshoe magnet. It 'Keeps' the Field in the magnet so to speak. This helps maintain the magnets strength.

What is a material that keeps heat inside?

insolation keeps heat in best.

How are planets kept in there orbits?

The gravitational pull of the sun keeps the planets in orbits... Although some people think it is magnetism....

What keeps the bb from rolling out the barrel when you tilt gun forward?

A magnet in the seat of the barrel

What term describes material that keeps heat from moving?

This material is a thermal insulator.