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Q: A material that scatters light as it passes through?
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What happens when light scatters?

It is redirected as it passes through a medium.

What happens to light when it scatters?

It is redirected as it passes through a medium

What type of material scatters light as it passes through?

Materials with irregular surfaces or particles that are smaller than the wavelength of light are known to scatter light as it passes through. This scattering is a result of the light being reflected in different directions due to interactions with the material's surface or particles. Examples of such materials include frosted glass, milk, and certain types of plastics.

Explain What happens when a beam of light passes through a colloidal solution and why?

When a beam of light passes through a colloidal solution it scatters because of tyndall effect.

A material through which nearly all light passes is?

Transparent materials, such as glass or clear plastic, allow nearly all light to pass through them without significant reflection or absorption. This property makes them ideal for windows and lenses.

What is caused when light bends as it passes through a material?

Light does not bend as it passes through a material. It bends when it passes from one material to another. This is called refraction. Light can also be dispersed, that is separated into its different colours, if it is refracted enough.

When light passes through a material and spread out what is the material?

The material you are referring to is typically called a medium, such as air, water, or glass. As light passes through the medium, it interacts with the atoms or molecules in the material, causing it to scatter or refract, which can lead to the spreading out of light.

Light is refracted by?

when it passes through a new material

What is it called when light bends as it passes through a material?

The bending of light as it passes through a material is called refraction. This occurs due to a change in speed of light as it moves from one medium to another, causing it to change direction.

Why are glass material transparent?

light passes through glass

When all light passes through a material what is it called?

When all light passes through a material, it is called transparent. This means that the material allows light to pass through with little or no distortion, making objects on the other side visible.

When light passes through this type of material it spreads out?

The phenomenon you are referring to is known as diffraction. When light waves encounter an obstacle or aperture, such as a narrow slit or edge, they diffract and spread out. This spreading out of light waves is a characteristic feature of wave behavior.