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Q: A means of bringing fairly large particles into the cell?
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The engulfing of large particles at the cells surface?

Phagocytosis is the process by which a cell engulfs large particles or whole cells, either as a defense mechanism or as a means to obtain food. A phagocyte is a cell that ingests and destroys foreign matter or microorganisms.

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The prefix for "bringing" that means training childhood is "paedo-."

Do minerals have particles?

If particles means atoms and sub-atomic particles such as Hadrons, then yes minerals do have particles. Every physical substance has particles.

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inquilab means bringing revolution.

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Emulsification is the process of breaking down large fat globules into smaller and uniform particles. The process is accomplished by bile acids in the small intestine.

How particles move gas?

They move very,very fast past each other because they are all spread out which also means that they can cover a large area.

Compression is the part of medium where are the particles?

In terms of particles, "compression" means that particles move closer together.

Compression is the part of the medium where particles?

In terms of particles, "compression" means that particles move closer together.

Compression is the part of the medium where particles are?

In terms of particles, "compression" means that particles move closer together.

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Fairly in that context means justly. It means they cannot give a true opinion.