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Q: A mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon?
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What describes atmosphere?

A mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon

What is the mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon called?

The gases surrounding an astronomical body are called its atmosphere.

What describes an atmosphere?

I think what you mean is 'one atmospheric pressure'. This is just antoher unit of pressure like Pascal. 1atm is approximately 1000 Newtons per square metre. (1000N/m^2)

What name is given to a layer of gases that covers a planet star or moon?

The layer of gases that covers a planet, star or moon is called the atmosphere.

What is the layer of gases that covers a planet star or moon?

That would be its Atmosphere.

What planets are surrounding earth?

Only the Moon surrounds or orbits the Earth, this is a moon and not a planet though. All of the planets, by definition, orbit (or surround) the sun.

Why do you need greenhouses?

Greenhouse gases are needed to keep the planet warm. If it was not for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the earth would be like the moon, warm during the day and frozen at night.

Where is Europa in the solar system?

Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.Europa is a moon of the planet Jupiter.

What planet is closer to the moon?

Earth is the closest planet the moon, as it is our planet's moon and orbits Earth.

Is the moon an outer planet or inner planet?

The moon is a satellite not a planet.

Is the atmosphere often referred to as air?

An atmosphere is a sort of shell of gases surrounding a planet or a moon. In Earth's case, we call these gases air. So you could say that the atmosphere is made of air.

Is there a moon that doesn't orbit a planet?

A moon must orbit a planet, or it isn't a moon, it's a planet.