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D. oxidation-reduction reaction

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Q: A molecule gives up an electron to another molecule which snaps it up is referring to A illustration of entropy B metabolic pathway C electron transfer chain D oxidation-reduction reaction?
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What is the role of molecules such as NADPH FADH2 in metabolic processes?

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They are electron carriers.

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The electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation are metabolic processes that involve enzymes located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. These enzymes play a crucial role in producing ATP, the cell's primary energy source, through the transfer of electrons along the chain.

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NADH and FADH are Coenzymes which act as carriers of electrons, protons, and energy in metabolism.

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Neon atoms have 8 valence electrons. Refer to the related link for an illustration of the electron dot diagram for neon.

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What is the dot diagram for Ne?

Neon atoms have 8 valence electrons. Refer to the related link for an illustration of the electron dot diagram for neon.

What is the electron dot diagram for xenon?

The electron dot diagram for xenon would show the symbol Xe surrounded by eight dots, representing the eight valence electrons xenon has in its outer shell. This configuration allows xenon to fulfill the octet rule and be stable.