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Q: A mother lifts a 15 kg child 1.2 m. How much work is done Remember the force of an object's weight mass and times gravity.?
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How much gravity do normal objects have?

It's proportional to their weight ... which shows how hard the object is pulling the Earth towards itself. (As well as how hard the Earth is pulling - remember, it takes two objects to make a gravity field.)

How would you explain your weightlessness of objects in outer space?

Objects dont have weight, its the gravity of whatever planet its on and its own gravity. If you were in space there would be no gravity therefore no weight.

What do you call the force that make objects have weight?

The force that makes objects have weight is called gravity. Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects with mass, such as the Earth and objects on its surface, that pulls them toward each other.

How is gravity and weight?

Weight = Mass * Acceleration of gravity. Weight = force of gravity on particular object. Weight = force of gravity on an object; Gravity = attracts all objects toward each other

Is an objects weight affected by gravity?


What is the measurement of the for of gravity on an object is the objects?


What is the force that causes objects to have weight?

Gravity is the force that causes objects to have weight. Gravity is the attraction between two objects with mass, such as the Earth and an object on its surface, that causes objects to be pulled towards each other. The strength of gravity depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them.

What is the scientific definition of deficit?

It is weight changes depending on gravity. Weight can change. The pull of gravity determines an objects weight.

What is the measure of the force of gravity on an object is the objects?

Weight; Weight = mg.

Does increasing an objects mass affect the objects weight if gravity does not change?


The pull of gravity on an objects mass is called what?

Its weight

The pull of gravity gives objects?

weight and acceleration