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A paffin wax candle is used to heat up a can of water. The candle had a mass of 15.75g before the burn and 14.20g after the burn. The can contained 250.0 of water at an initial temperature of 13.0 C. What is the heat of combustion in kJ/g of paraffin? The specific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/(g C)

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Q: A paraffin wax candle is used to heat up a can of water. The candle had a mass of 15.75g before the burn and 14.20g after the burn The can contained 250.0 of water at an initial temperature of 13.0 C?
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Why does the ambient temperature need to be measured before and after the experiment?

You measure the ambient temperature before the experiment in case the experiment is sensitive to ambient temperature. You want to record all of the environmental factors that might affect the experiment before starting it. You measure the ambient temperature after the experiment for the same reason, and also in case the experiment affected the ambient temperature. Depending on the experiment, environmental factors may need to be considered when analyzing the results.

What did farhrenheit do for science?

Fahrenheit created the first thermometer for measuring temperature. Before he created his thermometer, people did not have a precise way to describe temperature.

What effect does temperature change have on bullet drop?

Temperature can have two primary effects. First, keep in mind that the rate a bullet drops always remains the same. What changes is the amount of range we can get out of a bullet before it drops a certain amount. The first effect is that generally, higher temperatures means more initial velocity when the bullet leaves the barrel. This usually means more range. The second effect is that the air is less dense, and therefore creates less drag on the bullet. Again, this means more range.

Why does the doctor put the thermometer in the water before using?

its so obvious yaar. just to clean it and bring the temperature at 0 so that when it is put in a persons mouth it gives a right temperature.

I thougt the vinegar bottle contained 1 L of vinegar but once it was removed it actually contained 1.02L?

The labeling of the vinegar bottle with less contents than what was actually in the bottle might have been because they thought a little might evaporate before it was purchased by the consumer. Sometimes companies will do this so as to account for loss during settling of contents.

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Can you use food coloring to color a non wax candle?

Food colouring is not your best choice to colour paraffin. Food colouring is in a liquid base that has to evaporate from the paraffin before you can pour it, and the results will be patchy and not very pleasing. For an inexpensive colourant for paraffin use old crayons. Remove the paper wrappers, break them up into small pieces and stir them into the hot paraffin, blend well for an even colour and pour the paraffin into candle molds or whatever your project calls for.

What is initial stress?

The initial stress is the stress of the object before any force is applied to it, which in most cases would be zero ideally. However, the different composites that make up the material react differently to external influences, temperature comes to mind, and may therefore have a net, non-zero stress before an external load is applied.

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Well, a clinical thermometer is shook after use so that the mercury comes back to its initial point i.e. where it had been before the temperature was taken.

Can you give some mathematical problems related to heat of fusion?

This is the formula for finding calories: calories= (Tf-Ti)mass Or, in words, you subtract the final temperature (the temperature of the fused waters) by its initial temperature (the hot/ cold water's original temperature). You then multiply this answer by the mass of the water before you mix them together. Your hot and cold water should both have the same mass, but not the same temperature.

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The initial steps to take before making a will is that you should contact your lawyer and make sure you have a witness present you should decide what you want to go to who and be prepared to tell the lawyer.

What temperature shoud soup be before it is refrigerated?

Room temperature