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its someones mother geting messed with by a bee

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Tiara Lebsack

Lvl 13
2y ago
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4y ago

The lupine-dependent butterflies would disappear.

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Q: A particular species of butterfly lays its eggs on only one type of lupine flower. What would be a likely result if pesticides sprayed on these lupines kills insects that pollinate the flowers?
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How do buterfly pollinate flowers?

While taking nectar juice from the flowers, the pollen grains stick to the body of the butterfly and when the butterfly visits another flower, the pollen grains drop off and pollinate.

Do butterflies spread pollen to create other flowers?

Butterflies are not going to flowers specifically to pollinate ..... A butterfly is eating nectar from flowers. Pollination is simply a by-product of the butterfly eating nectar.

What does the Ulysses Butterfly eat?

The Ulysses Butterfly primarily feeds on nectar from flowers, preferably those with a high sugar content. They are known to have a particular affinity for plants like Lantana, Pentas, and Buddleja.

What type of bees pollinate flowers?

Various types of bees pollinate flowers, including honeybees, bumblebees, mason bees, and mining bees. These bees play a crucial role in transferring pollen from one flower to another, promoting plant reproduction and biodiversity.

Was it important that the flowers have different kinds of smell and colours to attract different insects?

yes flowers need particular insects to pollinate them.

Is the zebra swallowtail butterfly harmful or helpful to the earth?

Zebra swallowtails are helpful to the earth and the ecosystems they inhabit. Zebra swallowtails, along with many other species of butterfly, help to pollinate flowers which allows the flowers to reproduce and continue to thrive.

Are butterfly helpful or harmful and how?

Actually, to tell you the truth, I think that they are not. AT ALL. Sure they may pollinate flowers from time to time, but they don't really have a main purpose.

What is the importance of butterfly?

they are agents of pollination.

How does a flower benefit from a butterfly?

Butterflies going from one flower to another helps with pollination of flowers. Some flowers are not able to self pollinate and need assistance from insects like butterflies.

How do you use the word pollinate in a sentence?

Bees pollinate flowers.

When does a flower pollinate?

Flowers don't pollinate.Bees pollinate the flower.

What would be a likely results if pesticides sprayed on these lupines kills insects that pollinate the flowers?

its someones mother geting messed with by a bee