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Q: A print advertisement to encourage people to consume more milk shows the picture of a celebrity with a glass of milk in her hand which persuasive technique is implemented in this ad?
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: What programs are being implemented by national and international institutions to encourage Filipinos to reduce physical in activity?

Which is a celebrity that is paid to encourage people to buy a product?

A spokesperson or a promoter

What are the features of persuasive text?

Persuasive texts aim to sway the reader's opinions or beliefs by using language that is compelling, convincing, and emotionally charged. They often use rhetorical devices, logical reasoning, credibility, and emotional appeals to make a strong argument. Additionally, persuasive texts may include a call to action to encourage the reader to take a specific step or adopt a particular viewpoint.

What is the definition of persuasive?

Persuasive refers to something that is convincing or influential in swaying someone's beliefs, opinions, or actions through reasoning or argumentation. It involves presenting information in a compelling way to encourage others to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific course of action.

Which option is an example of a persuasive appeal?

An example of a persuasive appeal is using emotional language to evoke feelings of empathy or urgency in the audience. This could involve highlighting the personal impact of a situation or issue to encourage action or support from others.

What marketing strategy is used to encourage consumers to buy goods?

Many time advertisement is the best way to get people to buy your goods, just make sure to relate to the customer. Often time a funny advertisement is a good approach. If you are selling food make sure you let the consumer know that its good. Also the Internet is a good place to put advertisement up.

How do you finish off a persuasive speech?

To finish off a persuasive speech, you should summarize your main points, reiterate your thesis statement, and end with a strong and memorable closing statement that reinforces your argument and leaves a lasting impact on your audience. You can also encourage your audience to take action or think about the topic further.

Nation Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI)?

NCCI was created to encourage national correct coding, methodologies, and manage the improper assignment of codes. NCCI was implemented by The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Why rizal law is being implemented?

The Rizal Law is being implemented in the Philippines to promote nationalism and encourage the study of Jose Rizal's life and works, which played a significant role in inspiring the independence movement in the country. It aims to instill a sense of patriotism and pride among Filipinos by highlighting Rizal's contributions to Philippine history and culture.

How can a parent modify the way their children act?

This is a widely controversial topic and greatly depends on the views of the parent. Simple ideas such as star charts and the 'naughty step' can be implemented to encourage the best behaviour habits in the children.

Why do speakers giving persuasive speeches often use inflated language?

Speakers may use inflated language to make their arguments more impactful and persuasive. It can help capture the audience's attention, emphasize key points, and create a sense of urgency or importance around the topic being discussed. By using powerful language, speakers can aim to sway the audience's opinions and encourage them to take action.

What is a persuasive speech topic for a 3 to 4 minutes speech?

There is no spoon Trix are for kids