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There was no clear break between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In fact most historians probably would say there was a period of 50 to 150 years when they overlapped.

The most commonly used date for the end of the Middle Ages is probably 1453. Other very commonly used dates are 1485 and 1492. There are historians who use dates as early as 1401 and as late as 1516.

Some historians use 1300 as a date for the beginning of the Renaissance, as it is an approximate date for the writings of Dante and the artwork of Giotto di Bondone. Other historians date the beginning of the Renaissance to 1401.

We might be tempted to say 1401 was the date when one ended, and the other began, but the event that caused that year to be used was the awarding of a contract to build bronze doors for the Baptistery of Florence Cathedral, which might seem rather trivial compared to the fall of Constantinople or Columbus's first voyage.

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Q: A radical break between the middles ages and the early renaissance?
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