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Q: A seed only germinates when environmental conditions are good?
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weight could be inherited but it is most likely to be environmental !!

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Is bacillus megaterium a spore or a vegetative cell?

It is an endospore former, but it will only form endospores when the environmental conditions are harsh. Thus, it can be a vegetative cell or spore depending on environemental conditions.

What are the characteristics of an annual flower?

It germinates, grows, flowers, sets seed and dies in one year.

Does HIV virus dies outside the body?

Yes; depending on environmental conditions HIV will only live minutes to hours outside the body.

How do the environmental conditions influence the inuit community?

it in fluenced the community because it was too cold and they only had little time too find food.

How does water freeze and steam condense at same temperature?

this phenomenom will only occur on the surface of Saturn's moon Mimas due to its unique environmental conditions.

What distant planet can only be seen by a unaided eye?

MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnand Uranus is you have good viewing conditions and good eyesight.

Should development come with the expense of environmental degradation?

economic balance goes with the environmental balance. a good and developed situations and lives are only possible with the good environment. if the environment of a region are degraded very much the region most probably a developing one . hence development should goes with the expenses of environmental degradation..

What is the connect the plant and environment of reproduction?

plants produce seed which onset their germination only when suitable environmental conditions are available...... thus environment plays an important role in the reproduction of plants,.

Does the celery plant plants itself or do you need to plant it again?

The celery plant's fruits are shattering type and on maturity disperse in the field and germinate on getting suitable environmental conditions only.