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The two attachment points are the origin and insertion. The origin is the immovable (or slightly moveable point. The insertion is the movable point. The insertion always moves towards the origin.

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Q: Name the two points of attachment for the skeletal muscle?
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What is muscle attachment and function?

Origin and Insertion One of the points of attachment is the ORIGIN (typically the non-moving point of attachment). The other point of attachment is the INSERTION (typically the moving point of attachment). For example - when the brachialis muscle (located on the upper arm) contracts - it shortens the distance between the origin (on the humerus - the upper arm bone and the insertion (on the radius - the forearm bone). The humerus does not move, but the radius does move - it moves closer to the humerus.

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You can say skeletal muscles.

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This is muscle tissue that you have to think to make it move. Another name for it is skeletal muscle.

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What is origin and insertion of muscle?

an origin is where the muscle attaches to the bone, it also attaches on another bone, this is called the insertion, the attachment where the bone moves is the insertion, the attachment where the bone does not move is the origin.