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A polyp

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Q: A small tumor with a pedicle or stem attachment?
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What is the leaf base attachment of maize?

The leaf base of maize is clasping. It wraps around the stem, forming a sheath-like attachment.

Can stem cell research form tumors?

Stem cells are 'cells with no specialization', they can become almost any kind of cell, including a tumor. However, stem cell research is directed to the regeneration of cells in dysfunctional but constitutionally normal tissues and organs and therefore are not likely to form tumors.

How do you tell when cells are cancerous?

Cancerous cells exhibit uncontrolled and inappropriate mitosis. Cancerous cells will often exhibit changed morphology and gene expression profiles, often assuming the shape and gene expression of more immature or more stem-like cells (a process termed de-differentiation). Cancerous cells often exhibit unusual karyotypes. Clinically, the precise identification of a cancerous cell can be difficult and will vary tissue to tissue. Another consideration is that for at least some cancers it is theorized that only a small proportion of cells within a tumor are actively cancerous. These cells are referred to as cancer stem cells. It is theorized that in some cases only a comparatively few cells are genuinely tumor-forming (i.e. uncontrollably dividing) and generating large growths of non-tumor forming cells of the visible tumor. Identifiying these actively tumor-forming cells remains a challenge in oncology.

What is Stem Cell Dream MZ?

Stem Cell Dream MZ is a small privately-held company based in California.

What is the difference between a tree and a herbaceous plant?

A tree has a massive trunk (stem), whereas a herbaceous plant has a very small stem

Related questions

What is the definition of petiole leaf?

It is the slender stalk by which the leaf is attached to the stem - in short, the leafstalk, or the stem or pedicle

What is the medical term meaning a tumor with a stem?

A polyp is the medical term meaning a tumor with a stem.


The area between the body and the transverse process.

What is the point of attachment of the grain to the flower stalk?

The point of attachment of the grain to the flower stalk is the receptacle. The scientific term associated with the stem.

What is the point of attachment of grain to the flower stalk?

The point of attachment of the grain to the flower stalk is the receptacle. The scientific term associated with the stem.


The base of a flower; the part of the stem that is the site of attachment of the floral organs.

Does stem cell research cover cancer?

In any cancer tumor, there are what's called 'cancer stem cells'. These cancer stem cells behave like stem cells in that they are usually quiescent but when the tumor is destroyed by for example radiation therapy and chemotherapy, which targets dividing cells, the tumor stem cells can survive these treatments and begin to divide and recreate the tumor after the treatment has ceased. Right now there are no effective treatment except for surgery that can selectively target cancer stem cells and this is the cause of high recurrence rates in certain cancers. There are also studies that show that directly injecting neural stem cells into brains with neural tumors can directly reduce the size of the tumor without harming surrounding cells. This makes stem cells sound like the 'silver bullet' for neural tumors however much more research needs to be done before this effect can be understood enough for human usage or usage for other organs.

How did neil Armstrong lose his daughter?

she died from a tumor on her middle part of her brain stem

What is the leaf base attachment of maize?

The leaf base of maize is clasping. It wraps around the stem, forming a sheath-like attachment.

What is point of the attachment of a leaf to a stem?

So the leaf will live and create carbon dioxide to make oxygen and we live.

What is the term for the point on a plant stem from which leaves grow?

Leaves develop from buds. A bud that grows out from an existing stem is called an axillary bud (buds that are at the tip of a developing stem are called terminal buds). The point of attachment between the stem and the petiole (the leaf stalk) is called a node.

How dangerous is stage four Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma?

A DIPG is a tumor located in the pons (middle of brain stem) and very aggressive. There's a lot of support for this type of tumor on the net. God Bless!