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Q: A space probe may be carried by a rocket into outerspace. what keeps the probe moving after rocket no longer pushes it?
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A space probe may be carried by a rocket into outer space what keep the probe moving after the rocket no longer pushes it?


What keeps the probe moving in space after the rocket no longer pushes it?


What keeps a probe moving after the rocket no longer pushes it?

Inertia. Newton's first law.

A space probe is carried by a rocket into outer space What keeps the probe moving after the rocket no longer pushes it?

Sir Isac Newtons first law of motion The law of inertia an object in motion remainsthe same unless acted upon by an external force.In space there is no force to slow itdown so it keeps moving the same speed it was when the rockets stopped burning.In other words:No force is required to keep a moving object moving, as long as there's nothing actingon it to make it stop.

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Moving water can carve a landscape when it pushes through forcefully.

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I believe it is moving north, which creates the mountains as it pushes up against the asian plate.

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Yes :D

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you pedal causing the chain to move which pushes the wheels and then you are moving

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poo works. ;)

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Aircraft fly based on the principal of lift. Lift is the force that pushes a plane up. A wing is curved, which means the air flowing over the top of the wing is moving slower than the air moving under the wing. This faster moving air pushes up on the wing and the plane, making it fly.

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Hydraulics extends or retracts a hydraulic cylinder that pushes a lever on the flap, moving it.