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Actions may not actually speak louder than words but they do prove things better. Like the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." an action shows that someone is genuine. Someone may say that they will help the hungry people of the world, but when they actually get out there and feed them, we believe it. Here is an example: If you say you are going to donate a million dollars to a school then that is all good and well, but if you actually do it (the action) then it will make much more of an impact that just saying it. Basically it means that you have to walk the walk not just talk the talk.

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1mo ago

In a small village, there were two friends named Alex and Sarah. Alex often boasted about his strength, while Sarah remained quiet and focused on training. One day, a heavy rock fell in the village square, blocking the path. While Alex made empty promises of moving it, Sarah silently approached and with her strength, pushed the rock aside effortlessly. The villagers learned that actions indeed speak louder than words, and Sarah's quiet determination had shown her true strength.

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14y ago

Actions may not actually speak louder than words but they do prove things better. Like the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." an action shows that someone is genuine. Someone may say that they will help the hungry people of the world, but when they actually get out there and feed them, we believe it.Here is an example: If you say you are going to donate a million dollars to a school then that is all good and well, but if you actually do it (the action) then it will make much more of an impact that just saying it. Basically it means that you have to walk the walk not just talk the talk

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13y ago

"Actions speak louder than words." It's probably a proverb. There is also a German version: "Die Tat wirkt mächtiger als das Wort." and Finnish: ""Ei suuret sanat suuta halkaise", and in other languages too.

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13y ago

What you do is all that matters or counts. Saying you did it doesn't count. You need to do something to back up your words. Watching what a person does tells much more about that person than listening to what he or she says.

sooo YES!!

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11y ago

The saying is "Actions speak louder than words." It is similar to "Talk is cheap." No matter what a person says or how long he talks, unless he has proven himself to you to be of impeccable character, it is not until you see what he does that you can really know what he believes or with whom or what his loyalties are.
What you do makes more of an impression than what you say! People's actions prove more of what they are than what they say to impress people.

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12y ago

Action Speaks Louder Than Words

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Q: A story on the proverb - Do action speaks louder than words?
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