

A structure found on the femur is the?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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intercondylar fossa

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Q: A structure found on the femur is the?
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What are the structure of the femur?

The structure of femur include a ball-and-socket synovial joint. It is a round, cup-shaped structure on the hip bone known as the acetabulum.

Which bones is not found in the leg?


Is femur is a bone found in the arm?

The femur is a longest bone in the body and it is found in the thigh.

Is the greater trochanter a lateral or a medial structure of the femur?

It is a lateral structure of the pelvis.

Bones found in legs is called a?

The bones found in the legs are called the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), and fibula (calf bone). These bones provide structure, support, and mobility for the lower limbs.

Can a tumor in the femur bone show up on an xray?

yes, i have a tumor in my femur and that's how they found it.

What is a white rope-like structure in the spongy part of the femur?

It is a tendon.

What fracture is caused due to weak bone structure not trauma?

your femur

Where found femur in skeletal system?

Your femur is your thigh bone. It is the largest bone in your body. It is connected to your pelvis.

Where in the body is femur found?

The femur is the longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton; and extends from the pelvis to the knee.

What are Trochanters?

Trochanters are large, bony protrusions found on the femur bone in the thigh. There are two trochanters - the greater trochanter, which is located on the side of the femur, and the lesser trochanter, which is located on the back of the femur. The trochanters serve as attachment points for muscles that move the hip and thigh.

Which is the longest bone of the body found in the thigh?
