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Tasting plants in the forest. APEX

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Edward Lakin

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Q: A student is outside observing how ants walk through the forest. What is an example of a poor practice during this experiment?
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Mostly, it is to avoid interference from things outside the experiment.

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Yes, because it doesn't matter if you practice it only matters if you're good enough to not have to practice. Example: i play many instruments and i dont even practice my band instrument. But I have FIRST CHAIR. I guess what I'm trying to say is just dont get behind the other people. But you can still be ahead even if you dont practice.

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Confounding variables are variables that aren't accounted for that may affect the outcome of an experiment. For example, they are things you don't expect to be affecting something. Say we are doing any experiment, and we have set it up to test variables X and Y. However, at the end of the experiment, we find that another variable (variable Z) was part of the experiment but we didn't plan on it being there in the first place. Basically, you need to set it up so that no other variables outside of the ones you want to take place are in the experiment.

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The Bengals practice at a 50 yard practice field outside of the actual paul brown stadium where they play their home games

Can a study have internal validity but not external validity?

Yes. Internal validity is whether or not the experiment is studying what it intends to. External validity is whether or not the study can be generalised outside of the study. For example, if you had a perfect experiment set up, that measures something perfectly, then it will have internal validity. You haven't, however, shown that you would get the same results in different cultures, or in different time periods. Thus the experiment may not have external validity.

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For observing stars at night, it's important to wear warm and comfortable clothing to stay comfortable during long periods of stargazing. Layers are key, as temperatures can drop significantly at night. A warm jacket, hat, and gloves can help keep you cozy while you enjoy the night sky.

Can there be more than one independent variables in a experiment?

In general yes. But it really depends on the experiment. If you want to know if it hurts to punch a wall, you don't need an independent variable (unless you want to compare the magnitudes of the pain). But for school experiments, most of the time, if not all of the time. Yes.