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A substance with a pH of 7 is not acidic nor is it basic. It is a neutral substance.

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it is neutral

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Q: A substance has a pH of 7. Which of the following descriptions matches this pH?
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What is the pH of a substance?

pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a substance on a scale from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is basic. pH is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions in the substance.

PH method to determine a pH of a substance?

To determine the pH of a substance using the pH method, you will need a pH meter or pH strips. For a pH meter, simply immerse the electrode into the substance and wait for the reading to stabilize. For pH strips, dip the strip into the substance and compare the color change to the provided chart to determine the pH value.

what is the following could be the pH number of an acid?

The pH of an acid can range from 0 to less than 7. The lower the pH number, the more acidic the substance. Strong acids typically have a pH close to 0, while weaker acids may have a pH closer to 7.

Can you find the pH of a substance with a thermometer?

The pH is determined with a pH-meter.

Why is there a pH scale?

The reason for a pH scale it to tell how basic or acidic a substance, or substance byproduct is.

If the ph of a substance is 11 then that substance is?

Considered to be a strong base since a pH of 11 indicates alkalinity. This substance would have a high concentration of hydroxide ions and a low concentration of hydrogen ions.

Does the amount of water in a cup effect its pH?

pH is the measure of the levels of acid or base in a substance. Increasing the amount of a substance will not change the pH so long as the existing substance and the added substance are chemically the same.

How will you classify a substance having pH value negative?

A substance with a negative pH value indicates a strong acid with high concentration of hydrogen ions (H+). The lower the pH value, the higher the acidity of the substance. Negative pH values are possible for highly concentrated acids, like hydrochloric acid.

Which is the most acidic pH 2 pH 5 pH 7 or pH 11?

The most acidic pH among the options given is pH 2. pH values below 7 indicate acidity, with lower values being more acidic.

The ph of a substance can be determined by using a device called what?

If the substance is in liquid form, the pH may be determined by litmus paper.

What does it mean for a substance to have a neutral pH?

A substance with a neutral pH has a pH of 7, indicating that it is neither acidic nor basic. Neutral pH means that the concentration of hydrogen ions is equal to the concentration of hydroxide ions in the substance. Water is an example of a substance with a neutral pH.

What would a ph of 10 tell you about a substance?

It tells that the substance is basic, as pH is higher than 7.0