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An Okta is a measurement unit used to describe cloud cover over a defined area. In aviation 10% cloud cover is considered one peg up from clear to a few clouds, mainly scattered.

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Q: A unit of measure for one tenth cloud cover?
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Related questions

What unit is for cloud cover?

Cloud cover is usually given as a percentage, there is no unit of measure.

What is the unit of measurement for a cloud cover?

Cloud cover is usually given as a percentage, there is no unit of measure.

A unit of measure for one eighth cloud cover?

One Okta = One eighth of the sky covered by cloud.

What is an okta scale?

An Okta is a unit of measure to measure cloud cover. Cloud cover is how much cloud there is in the sky. A bit like a centimetre, the bigger the number of Oktas the more cloud there is, the more centimetres, the longer the object being measured.

How do you record cloud cover?

Meteorologists measure the amount of cloud cover in the sky using a unit of measurement called an "okta." Basically, one okta is one eighth of the sky that is covered in cloud. The severity of cloud cover ranges from zero oktas to eight, with zero being a completely clear sky and eight oktas being complete cloud cover. It can be fun to observe how the cloud cover will differ from day to day and even from hour to hour. What do you think is responsible for these changes

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What do oktas measure?

Oktas measure the amount of clouds covering the sky. It is a unit of measurement that divides the sky into 8 equal parts based on the percentage of cloud cover.

Smallest unit of measure millimeter or decimeter?

A millimeter is one thousandth of a meter.A a decimeter is one tenth of a millimeter is the smallest unit.

Which unit of measure is best for measuring the width of a penny?

A micrometre. A millimetre would be too big a unit but a tenth of a millimetre should do fine.

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What is a scanning wavelength that can penetrate cloud cover called?

A scanning wavelength that can penetrate cloud cover is called "cloud-penetrating wavelength." This wavelength allows sensors to collect data by passing through clouds and reaching the Earth's surface, providing valuable information despite the presence of cloud cover.