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A vaccine works by causing the body's immune system to create antibodies against itself. Ideally, the body has such a strong response to the vaccine that it creates memory B cells, which can turn themselves on if the animal is ever exposed to the disease and create a large number of antibodies very quickly.

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What are the effects of vaccine?

Any vaccine can cause side effects. For the most part these are minor (for example, a sore arm or low-grade fever) and go away within a few days. See the related link for side effects associated with each vaccine.

Why do some people have side effects from a vaccine but others do not?

They have superpowers

What are some of the side effects of the shingles vaccine?

Some of the side effects of the shingles vaccine are cold sores on the mouth, lips, face and the private parts. There is also fevers, chills, sweats,etc.

Why is it difficult to produce a vaccine for malaria?

because there are different number of species with different effects that they can cause, therefore it is harder to develop a vaccine for it

Can you sleep straight after the HPV vaccine?

Sleeping is fine after the vaccine. Some side effects are: -Sore or numb arm -Fainting -dizzyness -Nausea

What are some potential side effects of the flu vaccine?

The simple truth is that any vaccine can cause side effects, but they are usually minor. The most common side effects from the flu vaccine are soreness, redness, pain and swelling of the injection site, fever and malaise.

Can tetanus vaccine cause side effects?

Side effects of the tetanus vaccine are minor: soreness, redness, or swelling at the site of the injection that appear any time from a few hours to two days after the vaccination and disappear in a day or two.

What are short term effects that vaccinations have?

Depending on the vaccine, patients can have muscle soreness, inflamation, or a very light case of whatever the vaccine is made to protect the body from.

5 best foods for COVID Vaccine Side Effects?

nutrition and mineral food.

What are the side effects of hepatitis b?

well the effects of hepatitis b vaccine are fainting norcia headaches you may vomit you may get bumps that are itchy and resembe chicken pox you may experience numbness in the limb/appendage you got the vaccine in.

Is there side effect to receive 3 doses of hepatitis A?

It is unlikely. Hepatitis A vaccine is a two-dose series.