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Analog is the opposite of digital, for example recording on a casette tape is an analog-type recording and is now actually kind of ancient. It just means you're recording on to a hard copy- not to a file etc.

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Q: A vinyl record is an example of analog storage for audio?
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What is an analog mixing desk?

Analogue - In audio terms, this means that the audio signals will be stored, reproduced, or transmitted physically on or in something (i.e. vinyl records).Mixing Desk - A mixing desk is where an audio engineer controls and edits several audio signals simultaneously for recordation or transmission.Therefore, an Analogue Mixing Desk is used to control and edit analogue audio signals simultaneously for recordation or transmission.

How do you use a Cobalt CO9 microphone with a computer?

The only place to plug it in is in the audio jack. But when I do it won't let me record my voice, but audio comes out of it. If it helps, I have a Samsung laptop with Windows 10. How do I fix this?

What products does Bay Bloor Radio sell?

Bay Bloor Radio is the premier audio video retailer in Canada. Bay Bloor Radio sells Boise Audio systems, top of the line headphones, vintage vinyl record players and more audio equipment.

You h ave radio which receives television channels and therefore listen to some television programs over the radio will you still be able to receive television through your old radio after the digital?

No I am afraid not. The radio you have was built for reception of analog television audio. Once all the broadcasters switch their mode of transmission from analog to digital, all their signals going out over the air will be in a digital format.

How does a recorder instrument work?

A digital voice recorder works by capturing analog audio through a microphone and storing it in digital files. Some digital voice recorders are voice operated.

Related questions

What is analog audio?

As compared to digital audio which consists of a stream of 1's and 0's, analog audio is transmitted via a physical quantity, such as a voltage. Analog recordings are physically stored, for example in a vinyl record, the record face consists of small pits and valleys that are then converted into sound. Fluctuations in electrical or magnetic fields is another method of storing analog audio.

What is the difference between CDs and VHS?

CD is a red-book digital audio storage standard and VHS is an analog video storage standard. CDs record data digitaly on a disk read with a lazer, whereas VHS tapes are analog and are read with an electromagnetic pickup.

Can a GV -HD700 record analog audio without a video signal?

It is possible to record audio into the Sony GV-HD700 with no video signal attached. You have to use the analog audio inputs. Since you are essentially recording a blank video signal along with the audio to DV tape, it is not a pratical way to record, and modern solid-state recorders are capable of much better audio quality than the HD700, which is limited to 16-bit, 48 kHz.

What is analog sound and example of analog sound?

analog audioRefers to recording audio in a format of continuous vibrations that are analogous to the original sound waves. Before audio recording became digital, sounds were "carved" into vinyl records or written to tape as magnetic waveforms. Contrast with digital audio

Is One purpose of an audio card in a computer is to covert analog audio to digital audio?

Yes, the microphone or line in -input converts your analog signal into digital.

Is there analog audio in spdif?

No. S/PDIF carries only compressed digital audio, although it sometimes uses analog connectors.

How do you record audio from computer not from the mic but from the speakers but record from a video for example?

as i understand you question u want to record audio in you computer without mic. you can use stereo mix option

What are the different types of audio cables and how do they differ?

There are speaker cables, unbalanced analog cables, balanced analog cables, coaxial digital audio cables and optical audio cables.

Difference between analog audio and digital audio?

In analog ckt there is more distortion but in digital there is no distortion. Analog is a continues value digital is a discrite value(0 or 1). To measure analog is very difficult but in digital it is very easy. compare to analog the digital system is very compart for us. H.L.Kiran

Is a cassette and a compact disk similar in objects?

Similar only in the fact that both can be used to record audio. However, their underlying technology is totally different. A cassette records audio in an analog format while a CD records audio in a digital format.

What is a digital audio Jack?

A digital audio jack serves the same purpose as an analog audio jack, only it transmits a signal that is digital (1s and 0s) instead of analog (waveform).

Can you record just audio feed from a DVR?

yes, if you have an analog output from the DVD player. The audio component will be at standard line levels and with the right connectors, can be routed to an audio recorder. You will need to check the manuals of each bit of equipment to get the right connecting leads.